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My month at the Intensive Outpatient Program (Space Camp) came to an end with August and after a month on the waitlist I've finally been accepted into and completed the first week of the hospital's Psychiatric Dialectical Behavior Outpatient Therapy Program, which'll last for the next six months. 

Time keeps marching on but I've still got all these comic scripts I wrote about Space Camp I still need to draw and share!! So, let's venture back in time for this little autobio strip I wrote while I was still a Space Camper...

Instructor: Alright, the prompt for today's Expressive Therapy is 'My mood right now.' You've got 20 minutes to make a visual response.
Erika (thinking): Ah, time to express my rich inner turmoil.

Instructor: Time's up! Erika, would you like to start?
Erika: ~Ahem~ The grey amorphous shapes represent...

Instructor: Does anyone have any comments for Erika? No? Ok, Kaylee, would you like to share yours?

Kaylee: Well...
Other patients: Gasp! Wow! You DREW that?! You're so talented!

Erika (thinking): B-But that's just a basic crying anime face-- it's not even drawn well!
Other Patients: Amazing! Love it!

Erika (thinking): I'M a PROFESSIONAL artist!
Kaylee: Thanks, everyone.
Other Patient: So good! 


I ain't proud of myself but I showed this to another cartoonist who was in their own Space Camp at the same time as me in another state and he was like 'This was me in art class too.' SO IT'S NOT JUST ME WHO'S AN AWFUL PERSON, OK?

Listen. I didn't come to the Intensive Outpatient Program to make friends. I CAME HERE TO WIN.

Here's another one of my very meaningful collages I made during my stay in the program:

The prompt was "What I look like on the outside and what I feel on the inside" or something along those lines.

How I think I look on the outside: Colorful, fun, tasty, creative, somebody who has a cool career and is generally an interesting person.

How I feel on the inside: A swirling vortex of grotesque thoughts that never stop spinning tighter and tighter around my brain like a ball of strangling twine. 

You know. Normal stuff!

Here, I shouldn't end on that one. How about this?

The prompt was something along the lines of 'Things you like', which are bright sunny colors, plants, and specifically my raspberries, tomatoes, and artichokes that were all growing nicely at the time. 



I just want your collage work all the time. I fell in love with dave mckean's tarot cards ten years back and just want more DEEPLY MEANINGFUL collages everywhere


Okay cool, so i'm not the only one that does this either. XD (smoothes down ruffled feathers)