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Friday - Monday I did miscellaneous stuff: shipping orders, prepping pages for the book, scripting & laying out this week's comic. Oh! And Friday was my pole dance recital! I think I did ok? But I won't get to see the video for another two weeks so WHO REALLY KNOWS. Like, what's your husband gunna say? "Yeah, on a scale of one to ten, you were a FartNoise.wav, honey" No. Regardless of the truth, you tell your spouse they were amazing. That's the law. That's what you promise when you exchange vows. You promise to love, cherish, and lie to spare feelings when necessary. So that means I can't trust anything he says until I see the video of it in two weeks. Don't worry, if I sucked, I'll be honest with you guys because you're not my wife. 

And for today, I worked on laying out/penciling next week's comic. Which is a whopping six pages. Oh god. Why. Why can't I reign myself in? Christ, because four pages isn't enough space to cover everything I wanna say? LET'S JUST MAKE IT SIX WHY NOT. It's about eating pussy. I have a lot to say on the subject. 

I guess you could say it's a... real mouthful? [If you could see me, you'd observe I am waggling my eyebrows dramatically while maintaining eye contact. The effect would be... unnerving. You would back away, exiting the room, never breaking eye contact. I'd wonder why I have such a hard time making friends. Then I'd get back to drawing the ONE MILLION VULVAS this SIX PAGE comic requires.]



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