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Thanks for being all nice and stuff about my other post. The one about my psych telling me to get enrolled in an Intensive Outpatient Program for my mental health struggles. Life is weird right now but kind of good-weird, I guess. Weird-with-the-potential-to-become-good. I don't know. I took this picture just now, this is exactly what I look like and where I am at the moment that I'm writing this to you.

Even at the best of times, I struggle to respond to the comments and messages people send me. I'm not ignoring them, they do take up space in my mind and I think a lot about the things people tell me, I just... I don't have it in me to reply 99% of the time. I've thought about doing a comic that explains why I can't interact with online messages, but it's actually something I feel really ashamed about and I'm embarrassed to spill out the reasons behind it where others can see it and judge me. ...Unlike, you know, publicly sharing my mental illness and enrollment in an IOP? Haha, human beings are such a walking mass of contradictions. 

Anyway, all this to say: Thank you for the kindness and support people sent me in response to my other post. Thank you to the people who shared their own hospitalization and IOP experiences, and to those of you who are considering seeking out mental health treatment as well, you folks have my love and support. 

I see, I care about, I deeply consider all of your messages, even though I'm too broken to reply individually. 

Thank you. Thank you for all that you do for me and with me.




don't feel that you are broken for not replying! communicating with strangers over the internet is hard work, and certainly not something I could see myself doing on a regular basis. I have a hard enough time just responding to birthday wishes.


Thanks so much for expressing this. I've been taking a long break from posting on social media because of this very pressure. Seeing it here from the perspective of the reader, it's so obvious that I'm just grateful for your posts and have no expectation of response to comments. You did me a favor by posting honestly about this. Thank you.