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Next comic is a review of Jamesdeen.com, which meant drawing a ton of porn scenes from his various movies. I really, really like how this one turned out!

Drawing people fucking takes SO MUCH LONGER for me than anything else--

two bodies interlocked with their limbs all tangled up in each other?


I tried a new technique where I very roughly drew a stick figure with ball joints directly on top of the photo, which gave me a big headstart on blocking out limb positioning (the hardest part for me). Then I drew in the rest of the figures' limbs and fleshiness with the photo open in a different window so I could visually refer to it while sketching. 

This sped my process up ENORMOUSLY. Plus, I really like the results! 

And then when Matt added his coloring? DANG. That boy's a keeper.


Life Update

Thank you again for everyone being such big sweethearts about me being a crybaby last week. It wound up alright! I pushed through the weekend, got the comic done and then spent the rest of the week doing everything except scripting/drawing another comic. Oh my gosh, it felt so good. I mean, I still had administrative stuff to take care of/catch up on that week, and Matt had a regular full-load work week. But being able to have a break from that constant countdown of "GET THE COMIC DONE GET THE COMIC DONE GETTHECOMICDONE GETTHECOMICDONEGETTHECOMICDONE" was such a fucking luxury. And the HPV comic was way better received than Matt and I anticipated!

We thought it was actually pretty light on information-- normally we try to cram in a lot of facts and statistics, like in the abortion or herpes comics. But with HPV, fuck, it's really hard to find two resources that agree with each other on that stuff. It's one of those viruses/infections with so many variables it's hard to say anything concrete about it. People gave it a really warm reception, though! And said it was really helpful in calming down their fears and normalizing what they should expect, so that makes me feel a  lot better.

Oh! And I turned 32! 

Quite honestly, I didn't think I'd be around this long. I'm glad I am. It's a good life.




happy birthday <3


Happy Birthday. I'm so glad you to a moment to breathe. It's always so amazing that we forget to take even basic care of ourselves sometimes and then when we do it is SO FRICKING GREAT. And you did great with entwined bodies. Hella NSFW = Hella awesome!