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Workin' away on next week's review (We-Vibe's The Moxie, comic airing July 16. It's a remote-controlled vibrator you wear in your panties and leave your nethers to the mercy of somebody else at a distance) and for once I actually thought to document some of my drawing stages for you lovely folks. 

Have I told you how lovely you look today? 

Just. So lovely. 

Now, I knew I wanted to draw myself with my legs on the couch, scolding Matt, but I wasn't really sure what that actually looks like since it's not a sitting position I've drawn much. So! To the PhotoBooth machine!

That's my studiomate Aud Koch enjoying her afternoon tea. She's got this whole set-up and routine she goes through everyday for it. She perches on the floor right in front of our shitty studio couch and she's got her little footstool table and her drawing board in her lap. She's got a special temperature she sets on our electric kettle, because her tea leaves aren't meant to be *boiled*, and she's got a timer to let them steep to the exact right moment. This all happens behind me every day and I enjoy it vicariously so much. 



My drawings. 


So with my photo reference in hand, I draw up my rough sketch. Matt's been introducing me to his teenage-hood favorite, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and he was hungry to get some kinda mention to it in the comic 9_9

Fuck, I just realized I drew Matt's front leg too long. 

Fuck, goddamnit. Matt's already finished coloring it and it would be too much work to go back and fix it 😬

From later on in the comic, I was sposed to draw a big ol' noisy crowd scene that would be obscuring the sound of the underwear vibe. 

Matt asked me to go in and make it a bit more active, more people-grinding-on-each-other-y and with a demonstration of somebody having their own panty vibe turned on when they weren't expecting it. He mocked up these stick figures to give me an idea of what he had in mind:

I faded out all my original art and drew these Marshmallow People (My name for the generic chubby stick figures that occasionally pop up in the comic) on top:

And then Matt went in tweaked it for the finished panel:

There we go! 

Production art! Production art for you.

You good lookin' patron, you. 




It's like you read my mind!!!! I've *really* been wanting to see a review for this!


I like how you can tell that I, in particular amongst your patrons, am noticeably attractive