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Book Designer Allyson Haller showed me her first proposal for laying out the pages of the OJST book!! Ahhhhhhh it's happeninnnnnngggggggggg It's bookifying!!!! 

I imagine this is 100% how a pregnant person feels when they see the first sonogram of their fetus. Exactly. Completely. Perfect analogy. I'm lookin' at my future book's developing baby genitals and I couldn't feel more full of love. 

Matt and I both had busywork to do for OJST today, stuff that's too boring to recount here. Just know: Boring OJST Busywork was done. 

Iiiiiiiiiii..... didn't practice my pole routine today. I know, I'm the worst. But I was so tired and sad, which I'm sure was purely coincidental to getting my period. 

Hey, betcha didn't think you were gunna get updates on my menstrual cycle when you pledged to be my patron, didja? Well, YOU'RE WELCOME. 

Love, kisses, and menstrual cups,




Wow, that's exciting! I want to buy a copy of the final book and give it to my high school sex ed teacher. How'd you decide to work with Allyson Haller?


Allyson did the book design for my graphic novel with Jeff Parker, titled Bucko, published by Dark Horse Comics last year. It was my introduction to her work and I was so impressed that I knew I had to have her do the OJST book :)


I see! Thanks for answering :D can't wait for the book!