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When I first started these posts, I didn't realize you guys would be getting an email every time one goes up. If these emails are too much for you, you can go to your Profile Settings and adjust when you get emailed! https://www.patreon.com/settings ----------------------------------------------------------- 



Comic colored, formatted for the web and preview graphics made. 

Getting to make the preview graphics at the end is my personal reward for finishing the comic. I have so much fun picking out which graphics to use and arranging them into the square and rectangle templates. For a couple minutes I get to pretend I'm a graphic designer even though I know absolutely nothing about that subject. I just kinda push the elements around until it looks "Okay" 

The preview graphics are for my syndicates to use on the front page of their websites, so their viewers will click through and read the full comic (also on their site) and then the square one is also embedded into my own site. Then, when Facebook links to a post, the preview graphic pops up all legible-like, instead the FULL COMIC getting squished down into a vaguely pink straight line. We also have some code on our site that's SUPPOSED to give people the preview graphic when they try to save the full comic, but it only works half the time. Go to http://www.OhJoySexToy.com and test it out! Try to drag the comic onto your desktop, see if it gives you the preview like it's supposed to ;) 

If you wanna see all the preview graphics I've made so far, here's my collection of them: http://www.pinterest.com/reallyerikamoen/oh-joy-sex-toy/ 

One thing that's really been bugging me about my art abilities lately is how I CANNOT keep characters On Model. It's really driving me nuts and making me feel like a horrible cartoonist and I'm just not sure how to fix it. Well, probably drawing more. Right now I only ever draw for OJST and I can't bring myself to just doodle or sketch in my "free time". Haha, I remember when drawing was fun and I did it all the time. Now it just feels like work and, man, you gotta take a break from work, right? Augh, but I'd be a better artist if I forced myself to keep sketching every day no matter what.

 Harrooo, what's a girl to do? 

Well, I tell you what. It's 7pm. I'm starting my hour-long bike commute back home, that's what I'M doin'.




I hope that even if it is work you still have fun though! I always worry about that with my own comic drawing projects, and even working on them so frequently I haven't gotten sick of it yet and I've kept it up for over a year now so that gives me hope. Artists don't really get free time amirite?


I'm at a weird place with my enjoyment of drawing :-/ I mean, I love making comics, no question. I like sketching the roughs and I love inking, but the actual penciling bit feels awful and fills me with anxiety. That part is pure drudgery. But once I'm done with that and go over it with the ink lines, that's fun again! I dunno, I'm a complicated lady ;)