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(In 2011, at the age of 27, I kept a daily photo diary, and now, seven years later, I am serializing it here on Patreon.)

March 14, 2011

Impromptu friend gathering! Brendan came over for our weekly work party on our graphic novel and then, surprise!, Anne and Foley popped up out of nowhere with ice cream sundaes FOR ALL OF US.

March 15, 2011

The reason I picked up Jasper Fforde's "Shades of Gray" in a London tube station was because I knew that Dylan and Bill had done some illustration work for his other books, so I figured I'd be supporting them by picking up a copy (Even though their work wasn't in that specific one. IT MADE SENSE TO ME AT THE TIME). 

Turns out, it was a damn good book. 

In the last three months, I've only read two of his books but I've totally, completely adored them, so when Dylan and Bill offered me a ride to his Portland signing of course I was all "HELLZ YEAH"

Surprisingly, even though he was obviously exhausted after his charming and witty talk followed by an hour+ of signing, he actually had time to hang out afterward! In hindsight, I wish I'd texted Matt that I would be home late but instead I was caught up in getting free drinks next to a charming Welsh writer surrounded by a group of my favorite people. I WILL MAKE IT UP TOMORROW.

(Photo by Katie Lane)

March  16, 2011

Turns out yesterday was "Steak and BJ Day" which no one had warned me about. To make up for coming home late without previously announcing it and therefore securing myself as a Bad Wife, I tried to earn back points by leaving work early to pick up a nice New York steak, mushrooms and a yellow (not red, like my favorite) bell pepper, as well as Matt's fav. ice cream and strawberries and then bringing them home and cooking him a proper steak dinner wearing nothing but an apron. Followed by... Leia and me trying to record our first podcast. Which failed. And then followed by the second half of the holiday's title. 

Why do I even bother calling this a "365 Project"? It should just be called "Sex Journal"

March 17, 2011

Grating cheese for Matt's pasta.

(Photo by Matt)

March 18, 2011

Sometimes I've only got the energy for a point and shoot picture before falling into bed.



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