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Working from home today since the roads are still garbage. 

Tomorrow will be a guest comic and today I'm back on my normal schedule again of using Mondays to script and layout pages. 

The cock ring review is taking a backseat while I work on this review of the Stronic Eins. Well, actually, the cock rings were a replacement for this review, because I got a wicked yeast infection right before I was supposed to work on it and, y'know, you probably shouldn't be shoving toys in your twat when it feels like your junk is on fire. I can't believe keeping my cunt in proper working order is now a requirement of my job. 


This morning was spent writing the script, Matt gave it a quick once-over during lunch, and then I started the layout process. 

I used to do thumbnails first (really rough scribble-y stick figure sketches to figure out where everything would go) but now I have a good enough sense of how an OJST comic should go that I jump straight into copy-pasting the text from my script straight into my Photoshop comic page templates and arranging them from there. 

Personally, I need to have the text in place first before I begin drawing, so I can make sure the art and text are balanced. All the words are just as visually important as the art and they need to have their space set out for them from the get-go, not as an afterthought. 

If I were in Periscope Studio today, I'd start penciling on my Cintiq, but the roads are still in rough shape so I'm working from home sans my digital drawing equipment. Instead, I'm gunna start editing the Q&A I just got back from Jiz Lee (http://www.jizlee.com) for our next "Ask A Porn Star" episode. Ahhhh, I can't wait to draw a bunch of little Jiz Lees running around and answering readers' questions on fisting! You guys are gunna love it.




I am so excited for this review!