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(In 2011, at the age of 27, I kept a daily photo diary, and now, seven years later, I am serializing it here on Patreon.)

February 6, 2011

Today started in tears and ended with watching movies on the couch and drinking wine. 

We went to the Belmont Library and a cute, earnest librarian flirted with me. 

Not, like, "How YOU doin'?" flirting. 

More like genuine, eager-to-talk-to-you, leave-his-station-to-run-up-to-give-you-a-scrap-of-paper-with-the-name-of-his-most-favorite-book-ever flirting. The kind where they get so flustered that they continuously fumble making a search on their computer for you, over and over, even though they've been doing this exact job all day long for dozens of other library-visitors and apologize while blushing.

The kind that makes you feel like you're interesting. That you're special. 

For a moment, I'd thought he may have been interested more in me than in helping me, but I brushed it aside because what kind of self-important vain-face assumes that all the bitches want up onz your sweet business? But then, "Wow, that guy was flirting with you." was the first thing Matt said to me when we met up again after he had been sitting in a chair not too far away. (He thought it was cute and sweet)

I've always loved flirting. Butterflies and playful eyes; two strangers bouncing back and forth, hoping the spark is mutual. 

I'm happily in love and don't want anyone else. I'm settled down and fulfilled in my relationship. 

...but I can still miss that little game.

February  7, 2011

Suuuuper lazy Sunday. Aside from washing dishes and sweeping the floor, I didn't get anything done today. It felt pretty good, I gotta be honest.

February 8, 2011

I think I just cock-blocked myself :|

February 9, 2011

We take a lot of baths together. 

Luke-warm baths in the summer, to cool off. 

Nice hot baths after work, to make our poor hunched backs de-knot.

Baths just for the sake of spending time with each other.

February 10, 2011

Barely had enough energy to take this picture, let alone upload it last night. 

Tried to read "Swamp Thing Vol. 1" by Alan Moore so that I could discuss it during the Bridge City Comics book club the next night (today) and realized I'd fallen asleep at 9:30pm when the book fell out of my hands and startled me awake. Slept for two more hours curled on Matt while he played video games until he guided me upstairs to bed, where I had just enough presence of mind to do my 365 before crawling under the covers. 

(We changed all the bed dressings to red so my hair dye won't stain them in a noticeable way.)




Thank you for sharing pieces of your life like this. Really envy your marriage, I'd love to just hang out while my partner played video games...