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Yesterday and the day before were spent doing administrative business stuff (and getting trapped downtown overnight because of the snow storm) and today I've been preparing comic pages to be included in the OJST book. 

I've got a printer lined up and I'm working with Allyson Haller as a book designer because she did such an amazing job on Bucko, my book that was written by Jeff Parker and published by Dark Horse Comics in 2012. 

At Stumptown Comics Fest last year I was talking with someone at my table and telling them how freaking impressed I was by "The Designer" Dark Horse had hired to do Bucko, going on and on about how inventive and creative their layout was and then this lady who was standing to the side, waiting her turn to get her copy of Bucko signed, says "Oh, uh, that's me. I did that." So that's how I met Allyson! 

When Matthew and I started talking about making the first OJST book, I knew Allyson was the only person I wanted to do the book design. I mean, I coulda put together a super basic layout myself, but my skills are severely limited and I want the OJST book to be an art object in its own right. With Allyson, I know it will be. 

Ahg! I'm so excited for this book!!! You guys!!! A BOOK!!!!! It's gunna be 7" x 10" and I'm estimating about 216 pages and I want it to exist RIGHT NOW. 

Anyway, you should check out Allyson's work here, she's also a really awesome illustrator: http://www.allysonhaller.com




AHHH I'm so excited for OJST as a book!!


oh yaaay! i pull out Bucko all the time to tell friends to read it, but also to gush about the book design! allyson is a fantastic designer, and i cannot wait to see what she does!