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So I stayed home from the office in attempt to prevent getting For Reals Sick and spent the day laying out the comic, which means taking the text from the script and positioning it in my page templates in Photoshop. 


The feeling of the comic was "off"
The dialogue felt very awkward and I was having some real trubs imagining the visual flow of the piece. 

It was half an educational comic about how to use cock rings and half a review of FOUR different rings he was sent by one company and it just wasn't gelling. 

Matt and I just sat down and went through all five pages and have agreed he's gunna re-work the script and narrow it down to a review of just TWO of those rings. Hopefully we can get the page count down to four, fingers crossed. 

According to my schedule, I should be penciling today and inking tomorrow, so this is quite a set back. While he's re-working this script, tomorrow I'll start scripting the next comic. It's pretty likely I'll need to use a guest comic on Tuesday, which bums me out because I hate missing my deadlines but on the other hand it's a really great comic that I've wanted to share for a while and I think people will really like it. Pros and Cons! 




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