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Sara Valta shares her first year of being in a polyamorous relationship with us at Oh Joy Sex Toy! SPOILERS: Being poly means you gotta communicate A LOT.




FYI, grammar nerd here, but it read at first that Sara was in a polyamorous relationship with Erika & Matthew (i.e. 'relationship with us'). I think it might be clearer to say : "Sara Valta shares her first year of being in a polyamorous relationship with MY READERS at Oh Joy Sex Toy!"


ok, "Sara Valta shares with us at Oh Joy Sex Toy her first year of being in a polyamorous relationship!" Better? :)


I love the faces and the feel… the text at the bottom might catch a little flak from Poly(nesian) folks; many people trying to avoid that namespace collision while writing about polyamory have taken to the short form 'polyam' to give the islanders a better chance of finding themselves on Google. I'm happy to see a comic describing a polyamorous experience, though, and a yummily-drawn one to boot.