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Until there are some more people in this tier you can suggest up to two characters.

Just comment a character name (and where they are from) below and if you want to see them in a specific outfit, feel free to suggest that as well.

I'm also looking forward to drawing some bunny girls in april ao feel free to suggest some if you want any, you of course don't have to and you can just suggest their regular outfits as well.

Some overall rules:

-only female characters

-only human characters (stuff like cat ears is still okay)

-please no overly complex outfits

-no lolis

Suggestions will be up until the 31th of March.



Character suggestion: Satowa Hozuki [Kono Oto Tomare]


Character suggestion: Camie Utsushimi. Scenario: Camie is captured by Toga who plays with her and teases her in a warehouse. Bdsm scenario: Camie is tied to a chair. An overarm tie behind her back tightly secured to the chair. Legs are tied to the back feet of the chair, widely opening them up. Bdsm reference: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/93837339 https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/103847823 Angle: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/99828829 Outfit: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bokunoheroacademia/images/5/51/Camie_Utsushimi_Anime_Costume.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/212?cb=20180913235056 this is her hero outfit and allows her to be stripped very easily and is easy to draw as well. Variants: Full-on fist-grab groping! A variant of Toga looming over Camie behind her. She leans and engulfs Camie over her shoulder, with her right hand groping and her left tickling her flanks. For reference, see: https://www.deviantart.com/cailin020/art/Ayami-890710151 https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/77066553 Blushed and shocked expressions. Spider gag and bit gag


Here's the dialogue as well. C: Camie Utsushimi T: Himiko Toga Panel 1: [Camie is tied up in a warehouse] C: HUH?! Where am I?! What’s going on?! Why am I tied up? T: [Behind Camie] He he he, you’re finally awake. I was getting bored waiting for you to wake up. C: Who are you?! Why did you bring me here?! T: Fufu, I bought you her to have fun. Will you be my toy? C: Toy?! What sick joke is this? Let me go right now. T: Hmp, oh come on, we haven’t even done anything together yet. C: This isn’t a joke. Stop this right now! T: Don’t worry, you’ll love it! Just put this on and you’ll see. Panel 2 [she is blindfolded] T: Part of this game is that you can’t see what I’m doing C: HUH?! Hey, why did you blind me?!! Take it off or else! HUH? My ability? What’s happening to me?! T: Oh, it’s this new drug I gave you. It removes your ability and makes you very sensitive to fun toys, hehehehe. C: What have you done to me?! Please let me go. T: Oh, come on, we’ve only just started. Here, I’ll cheer you up. C: NO what are you doing?!! Panel 3 [Toga looms over Camie and gropes her] T: FUFUFU, look at your knockers. So soft and squishy! C: STOP! HNNF. How dare you?! Stop groping me!! ~HNNH T: Oh, come on, isn’t this so much fun? I’m lucky I found you to play with, HEHEHEHE. C: Why is this so arousing?!! T: Fufu, it’s the drug kicking in. I can’t be the only one enjoying this now, can I? C: This is Harassment! ~HNNF Someone, HELP ME!! T: Oh, no you don’t!! Panel 4 [she is bit-gagged] T: Hey, Stop! Or we’ll get caught. Toys aren’t supposed to shout like that. C: [gagged sounds] Noo, stop playing with me and please let me go. T: Hmm it seems you didn’t enjoy that. Oh, I know!! how about a toy accessory to entertain you? C: [gagged sounds] I don’t want to be a toy! Stop this! T: You agreed! Yay! Well, here it is. You will love it. C: Noo, what is that?! What are you putting in me?! Panel 5 [a vibrator is added] T: Teehehe, look at you enjoying it so much. I told you you will love it! Especially with the drug. C: [gagged moaning] NO stop, I hate this! This is not fun. T: I’ll leave this on you at max power for you! So have lots of fun, hehe. C: [gagged moaning] Max power?!! This is madness! STOP! T: Oh no, I don’t have the other toys with me. I’m sorry, I will be back with them. Just enjoy this ok. C: [gagged moaning] Nooo! Don’t leave me, please! Panel 6 [later] [she is ungagged] [blindfold removed] T: WOOHOO I’m back and I bought more toys. Are you excited?! C: [panting] Please let me go. What do you want? Money? Information? T: I told you; I want us to play together and be my toy. Aren’t we having fun? C: [panting] [huff] How is this fun?! I didn’t enjoy any of it. T: I’m sorry, this is my fault. I forgot the other toys. Don’t worry this time I’ll add more of them. C: WHAT?! NO please that’s not what I want. Nooooo! Panel 7 [her boobs are exposed] [she is spider gagged] [she jiggles her tits to prevent toga putting stuff on] T: WOHOO, look at you squirming, you must really be excited about this. C: [ring gagged sounds] Nooo, stop stripping me! It’s embarrassing. T: WOW! look at you drooling so much! Hihi, don’t worry, this time you will definitely enjoy it. C: [ring gagged sounds] You sadist! Stop this, I beg you. T: Hey, stop jiggling so much so I can add these. Panel 8: [nipple vibrators are added] T: YAY! You’re having so much fun now! C: [intense gagged moans] Nooo, I can’t stop!! I can’t control myself! What are you doing to me?! T: FuFu, look at you cumming so much. I didn’t know you had this much in you, hehe. C: [intense gagged moans] It’s too much! Please turn it off, I beg you. T: Shishishi. [yawn] Huh, all that searching made me really tired so I’m going to go to sleep. Don’t worry we’ll play more tomorrow, hihihi. C: [intense gagged moans] Oh GOD! No, don’t leave me like this. At least turn these off!! Panel 9: [gag is taken off] [she is drenched and tired] T: Hello I’m back!... Oh WOW, you are drenched. Oh no, I forgot to turn them off, PAH, my mistake. C: [panting] [huff] Please! No more!! [huff huff] Why did you leave me like this?! T: Aww no, it seems your mood is ruined. I’m sorry. C: [panting] [huff] I can’t take it anymore [huff]. Please, take these off! T: Oh my god, you’re right! I’m so sorry. Let me help you. C: Oh thank god! Huh?! what are you doing?! No stooop!!! Panel 10: [she is naked] [she is spider gagged again] T: Those clothes were making you uncomfortable, so I removed them for you just like you wanted. C: [ring gagged sounds] No, that’s not what I meant. T: You’re so sad and angry because I didn’t actually play with you last time, isn’t it? So, this time I will actually play with you. C: [ring gagged sounds] OH god! Please, just let me go! T: I’m going to put the toys back on now, OK. C: [ring gagged noises] [shocked] NOO, I beg you please don’t put them back on. Panel 11 [vibrators are added again] [Toga looms over Camie’s shoulder with her hands groping her and caressing her]. T: YAAAY! I was sooo right. You’re having even more fun now. Playing with you like this is so much more entertaining. Why didn’t we do this from the start? fufufu. C: [intense gagged moaning] HUHUHUHU! Stop touching me! STOP ~HNNF I beg you!! Please stop! T: EEEEEEEP, seeing you make so much more noise is turning me on! C: [intense gagged moaning] I can’t stop! I can’t stop cumming! This is too much! T: Don’t worry, I won’t leave you this time. Let’s do this aaaall day! We will do so many things together. I am so excited, SQEEEEEL! C: [intense gagged moaning] I’m going insane! Someone, save me!!