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This will probably take me some time to finish, I'm also not entirely sure if i want to actually add the variant with Chika on top of her since there will already be lots of variants, maybe just for some dialogue panels. i'm still working on the Kukulkan pic parallel to this, i will hopefully be able to finish both this month. Like always I hope you like it and let me know what you think of it.




OH MY GOD SHE LOOKS SO AMAZING AND SEXY. her arms are tied in a good position to be tickled lol I actually love the chika one. In my dialogue, I made a scenario where she tickles her. Maybe you can incorporate her hands tickling her armpits if you want to


Here is my dialogue. I tried my best to make as much sense of it and have coherent storytelling. I hope its not too much text. If it is, let me know and I'll trim it down. I'd love for you to use this. Obviously, you don't have to force yourself. You can change it around as well if you like to. Dialogue suggestion for Ai Hayasaka and Chika: H : Ai Hayasaka C: Chika Fujiwara K: Kaguya Shinomiya Location: Chika’s room in her private mansion. Panel 1: H: I don’t like this miss Chika, why am I being tied up? C: Fufufu, getting impatient already, we’re only getting started. H: You promised you’d explain. I still don’t understand what this game is. C: I’ll explain everything don’t worry. Why are you so worried, hehe. H: you tricked and forced me into this. Of course, I’m worried. C: I didn’t trick you into anything, fufu. This is the least you can do after losing the game. H: But you cheated! C: Are you accusing me?! You’re going to regret that. H: Oww! not so tight! Ok, I’m sorry. Now, please let me go. This is making me uncomfortable. Panel 2: [bdsm finished] C: There, all done. Can you free yourself? H: I can’t even move an inch. It’s too tight! C: Oh, hehe, that’s fantastic! H: Huh? What do you mean, fantastic? C: Hehehehehe. H: Hey? Answers me. Hold on, why are you using my phone? Give it back! C: Hmp, it’s no fun if you can see what I’m doing so let me fix that for you. H: What, No stop. Panel 3: she is blinded] H: Hey, I can’t see! Why did you blindfold me? C: Since you lost the game, I planned this surprise punishment for you. H: Punishment?! Oh God, No please untie me right now. I don’t want this. C: Hmph you’re making too many demands. That’s not part of this punishment. H: Wait, what are doing? Answer m…MMGHM! Panel 4 [she is gagged] H: [gag noises] What are you doing?! Untie me right now. C: Fufufu, don’t worry, this punishment is going to be very fun and enjoyable for you. H: [gag noises] This is outrageous. How can I possibly enjoy this?! C: Now let’s start with the next toy. H: [gag noises] Noo, just let me go. Argh, I can’t move at all. C: 1…2…oh this one. H: [gag noises] No what is that?! No stooop! Don’t put it there. Panel 5 [a vibrator is tied to her leg. Her black dress is stripped off, leaving just her white shirt and undergarments] C: Oh fufu, look at you, this is the lowest setting and you’re enjoying it so much. H: [gagged and moaning sounds] I’m not enjoying this. Please turn it off. C: Don’t worry, for now, I’ll let you enjoy this for a few hours. H: Few hours?! No please, this is too much. C: I’ll crank this to the max just for you. I’ll be back with more toys. See you in a bit. H: [gagged and moaning] No, please don’t leave me here! Panel 6: [much later] [she is ungagged but still blindfolded] [toys are lying around her] C: Sorry I’m late; it’s a big mansion so it took longer to find the other fun toys we’ll play with. [she ungags Hayasaka] H: [panting] Please stop this and untie me. Isn’t this enough? C: Oh, but we’re not done yet. I told you; we’re just getting started. H: No, please I beg you, stop, I’ve had enough! Nooooo! Panel 7: [she is gagged again, her shirt is unbuttoned, and her bra is off] C: Relax, the setup is almost done. [A knocking is heard] H: Help! I’m…MMMMM [Chika hurriedly puts the gag back on] C: Oh no, someone’s at the door. I’ll be back so don’t try to do anything foolish. H: [muffling] No, please don’t leave me like this. Panel 8: [Kaguya and Chika talk outside the room] K: Oh Chika, have you heard from Hayasaka? She hasn’t replied ever since she left a sudden text saying she’s gone on the camping trip the school planned. H: [muffling and moaning] Miss Kaguya, I’m here! please help me! C: Oh, that’s nothing to worry about, there’s probably no signal there, fufu. H: [gag sounds and pleasure sounds] Nooo, she’s lying! I’m right here! K: Hmm, it isn’t like her to suddenly make plans, I’m worried. And what’s this noise I’m hearing? C: Fufufu, don’t worry Kaguya, it’s nothing. I assure you, Hayasaka is in good hands and enjoying herself there. Let’s go to your home and play together to get your mind off it. K: Sure, but no more of your weird punishments ok. C: shi shi shi shi, of course! H: [gagged] Noooo don’t leave me with this thing on. Panel 9: [A few hours later] [hayasaka is completely drenched] [Chika arrives and ungags and unmasks Hayasaka and switches everything off] C: How are you, my toy, erm I mean Hayasaka? H: [panting and eyes looking tired and seduced] Please let me go. You’ve had your fun. C: Fufufu, Unfortunately, we’re not done. Kaguya interfered and I couldn’t finish the job. H: Oh God, There’s more?! C: These clothes are making you uncomfortable, so we’ll take them off. H: No, don’t you dare. Ahahahaha, stop, it tickles! [Panel 10] [she is completely naked and ring gagged] [chika sits on her and tickles her] C: Fufu, look at your lustrous body. I can’t help but play with it. H: [gagged noises and breath] Give my clothes back! C: Fufufu, you seem mad. Let’s cheer you up. [Chika starts to tickle Hayasaka] H:….[gagged laughing] HUHUHUHUHU stoop! This is too much. C: Oh, you want more?! fufufu. Well, if you insist, H: [gagged laughing] Nooo, HUHUHUHUHU. I beg you, stoop HUHUHUHUHUHU. C: OK, I’ll add the rest of the toys now. H: No please don’t. nooo. Panel 11: [nipple vibrators are added, and a dildo gag is held at her mouth] [if possible, tickling machines at her armpits and/or sides] C: There, all done. Now you can experience the full pleasure. H: [ring gag sounds] No, please. Take them off. I just want to leave. C: Ahhh, look at you beaming with excitement. Now before I turn these on, I forgot to put one final thing. H: Noo, please don’t turn them on again. I beg you. I cannot go through that torture again. HNNNH HUHUHUH<3 Panel 12: [the dildo gag is put on and everything is switched on] C: You were making quite a lot of noise and almost got caught. We can’t have that so this should help quiet you down. H: [gagged laughing and moaning] noo its too much! I’m going crazy. C: Oh, and do not worry about getting discovered. This is a private mansion, so no one comes here. And since everyone thinks you’re out camping, I hope you don’t mind if I play with you a bit more since we have more time now. H: [gagged laughing sounds and pleasure sounds]. No, let me go. Someone, anyone, help! C: All right now fufufu, I’ll be back in a few hours to check up on you again. Don’t go anywhere and enjoy yourself.


Take your time to work through this. Don't rush. This is really really amazing!