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G'mornin' everyone! As discussed in our group call last night, we'll be hosting ANOTHER call tomorrow evening (Thursday, because it's Thursday), 7-8 pm PT, where we'll be watching through the entire Zeta Month finale! Every patron is invited, not just the super special video chat level ones. 

The link is at the end of this post.  This is the ACTUAL finale to our long-running storyline we've had going through a selection of our videos since 2017. It'll be the "Endgame" to B&HQ WIC's "Infinity War," in a sense. I'm really excited for you all to see it, and get a glimpse of what the future holds for the Watchtower Database. Zeta Month has been a LONG time coming, and some of the stuff in this finale was planned all the way back in 2019. Seeing it come to life has been a laundry list of emotions. Can't wait to share that with you all.

If you can't make it, the video will still be posted early for all patrons shortly after the call tomorrow night, but will then switch to a scheduled live premiere (aka become inaccessible) sometime on Saturday. So get it while it's hot, and hopefully you can join us on Zoom!

Thank you so much for all of your support this year, and every year! It truly keeps us going. Looking forward to 2023 and Beyond; we've got some really cool stuff cookin' for ya.

See you tomorrow!


YouTube stream: https://youtu.be/Jws1Zca3lGs




Won’t be able to attend but enjoy everyone! I’ll be watching tomorrow.