THICC Mommy MERCY Lineart WIP (Patreon)
2024-01-24 17:28:55
Being addicted to (drawing) a THICC Mommy Doctor, & it's CHRONIC! 😳⚕️❗❗
Hey hey peoples,
So in between my heavier stuff I was thinking "huh, it's been a while since I last drew Mercy 🤔" and not to mention a bunch of ya'll have been asking too! So before I forgot the idea I drew up a LineArt WIP of Mommy Mercy but DUMMY-THICC 🥰!
The only times I've ever drawn her were coloured sketches so this'll be the first time I'm taking a more serious shot at her, lemme know how she's looking so far and as always ENJOY BRAHS! 😎♥️