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Immediate Correction via Mating Press authorized ☝️😤❗❗

YO yo people, 

Oh hey 2 posts within a couple hours whaaat? 💪🥳

Been getting a lot of progress done on all fronts lately ever since crushing all but one of my remaining comms so tonight I managed to nail the flats for that Smug Star Guardian/Popular Girl Ahri Collab I'm working on w/ a friend/famous Hentai VA -FINALLY- after this basically in stasis for ages. Great success 🥰👍. 

Still gotta do the Lighting+Shading and the Lingerie/School Girl Uniform Alts but for now here's the flats ft. Ahri's PHAT Dual Vastayan Milk-Trucks, lemme know how she's looking and as always ENJOY BRAHS! 😚🐮💕




Yo mordekaiser, I need you to send me and Ahri to Brazil. Why? I just want to talk to her. Her behavior is not prohibited in this school ground


Can't wait to see where this goes. Mean girl Ahri is just a defense mechanism. I'm sure she doesn't mean it... or is trying to illicit an aggressive response 🤔

Ryan Lee

Femdom Ahri💯💯💯