CYNTHIA Pinup/Collab (Patreon)
I have GOT to draw more PokeMILFs 😈😈
Hey hey people,
So this was a quickish (but surprisingly turned out REALLY well) pinup of Cynthia from Pokemon I did for my bro/fellow artist @DoktorMalefic (GO CHECK HIM OUT)'s Twitter 20k Follower celebration collab event (see attached).
So despite the BIG mommy energy of this piece, I also was genuinely trying something new out with the lines and wanted to get ya'lls opinion on what you think of the outer lines being solid black and the inner lines being a medium red (for skin) and a dark gold for the hair.
Let me know what you think, if you guys dig it I'll apply this new tactic going forward. ENJOY BRAHS 🥰