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When you successfully beat an Akali Top as Darius or Sion😈

Hey hey people,

Sorry for the lack of updates the past few days, it was my Birthday this weekend and I was out of the city but now that I'm back to start off February I completely finished that Akali bust Sketch WIP from a bit ago🥳🥳

Included a few usual variants with this especially with the Mask, as well as just the Bikini solo

This was my first time drawing Akali so despite all the absolute mommies I tend to draw, lemme know how I did with someone of Akali's cardiobunny build😎👍





Happy belated birthday shinda!~ :) love this concept hope more come to the right side too :)

Demon Noises

The fate every Ionian whore deserves frfr

Gurvir Shinda

AYYY thanks Shiro and broo I'm so tempted to draw more Ionian girls as Noxian sluuts so maybe 😈