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Hey guys, just a quick WIP pic of that old Illaoi x Tentacles concept (top left) I posted a while back, gonna polish it up and do proper variants with and without the actual tentacles >:)

Lemme know how it looks so far, esp since it's Illaoi lemme know how the muscle definition is, as well as the messy hair 


Edit: Also give feedback on the FEET too lmfao 




Looking good, but id expect illoi to be beefier in a way, I'd love to see something like that in your style. Looking forward to it anyway tho

Gurvir Shinda

Thanks E! And oh for sure bro, that was my main concern as well is the muscle def (which will be WAYYY more visible when I actually shade the piece properly), but I'll make her sliiightly beefier :D


I like feet. Those are good feet. The profile of her shin into the bridge on her left foot is nice. The ball and toes of her right foot are very nice.

Gurvir Shinda

AYYY thanks May (meant to reply to this earlier sorry about that :P) But yeah those feet were intentionally rendered so "well" due to a few people asking me to draw more feet, so I had to do it, glad you like 'em so far :D