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With her heart racing, Nat looked up into Jenna's eyes as Jenna gently caressed Nat's face and lips while wearing a gentle smile.

Their bare breasts touched each other as their thighs rubbed.

Nat experienced confusing feelings and sensations as this beautiful woman, with her domineering presence and stature, towered over her as they were intimately close.

Nat hadn't felt these tingles, nerves, and butterflies since her first kiss in middle school.

This moment was as redefining Nat's personality as at that time in the distant past.

P.S. - I was trying to get the update out by the 20th; unfortunately, the holidays have been hectic and rough. I apologize for the delay and will try my best to get it finished within the next week.

By the way, I have selected 'Naomi Lust' as Nat's stage name. Thank you to everyone who suggested many interesting names.




Where the new update. King


when is the release?

King B

Release has already started. Tomorrow, it'll be fully released for all tiers patreons.