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I'm regretfully and reluctantly announcing postponing the updates. Like the fans, I'm also eager to develop this story and see where Nat and Ethan are headed. So, It pains me as the developer to delay any updates on this game.

Many of you might have noticed that I have become unusually quiet in progress updates this month. The reason is that a major family incident had occurred and I had to travel due to that. As a direct result of that incident, now I'm in the process of moving to another state. Which I assume will consume most of my time for another month. 

I have some content finished during these busy times but that's not enough for an update for this month. Given that the next few weeks will be even busier, I'm planning on resuming updates from September as usual. By the beginning of September, I should be settled at the new place to work on this game.

My deepest apologies to my fans for this delay. I'll try to keep everyone updated whenever I create some content.

Also, thank you very much for your support and many concerned messages.

A little treat for the fans.



Any news? Can we expect an update in a few weeks or do you need more time? Hope all is well

GyuSeok Sim

like a club story :)