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A lil update of what's been going on and the plan for patreon. And not that many "ehms" ;D



I love hearing your updates, they always make me laugh, Also om and uhh is comment to help our brains catch up with our mouths and times to from words. ITs oddly a science with it. its so odd about it. though its great to work on it, ( sadly its a habit that almost everyone have it. unless there reading from a script (( even then they have it)) ) I dont mind and I am sending much love Boyfriend <3 so much love :3


Happy to know about the 1 audio per week goal. I think some audios could have a part 2, can't remember wich ones exactly. Maybe during the week i'll mention some ideas in a message. Please learn about the laws in the places you visit lol

♡ flawlessassbitch ♡

bored and going through your past uploads and noah… i do believe you think too much lol