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The warm water rippled around Fay's breasts, making them look like two small white islands. Damien poked one of them, causing Fay to giggle and playfully splash his hand away, "Hey! No touching." She was lying on top of him while the two were floating in the enormous bath. "Why not?" Damien nibbled at her ear, and she yelped, "Because you have already had enough!" She twirled around; her enchanting scarlet eyes were an inch from his face. She smirked and sealed her lips with his. The two engaged in another rough and tumble, sending water splashing around the room. "I win!" Fay happily declared as she sat on Damien's abs with her two hands on his chest.

"You are sitting dangerously close-"

Fay moved her butt back and sat on it.

"Oh?" Damien raised a brow, "Not had enough yet? We did it for hours already."

Fay sweetly smiled as she sat up, ran her hands through her raven black hair, and puffed out her impressive chest. "I decide when we are done." She playfully fell back and fully exposed her lower half to Damien. He jokingly slapped it, causing Fay to squeal, "Enough." He said lovingly as he hauled the playful girl off him and stood up, "We have been fooling around for over a day now, and the city needs management."

"Oki, but I am coming with you!" Fay said as she tapped his dick on the way out.

Damien leaned in for another kiss and smiled. "Of course? Who else would I walk with?"

Fay leaned in, put her hands and legs around him and whispered in his ear, "That Emilia bitch."

Damien gripped her nose between his fingers and playfully shook it, "Stop having such thoughts, silly. Although I need to talk with her, you have nothing to worry about."


Damien removed the koala bear called Fay from around him, and led her toward the changing rooms, "Yea, it wouldn't be ideal to talk to her yet, but I will fix the issue, don't you worry, missy."

"Okayyy." Fay put an arm around his waist and flicked her wet hair to the side; she leaned in and mumbled while tracing a finger down his abs, "Sorry for being selfish... I just don't want to share..."

A loving hand went through her hair, pulling it behind her ear, "I understand. I don't like sharing either." Damien whispered and kissed her forehead as they moved into the next room. 'The idea of having multiple wives is foreign to me anyway. Vanity may be confused by my decision, and Emilia even more so, but the harem route is not for me. One cheeky wife is all I need.' The thought of a harem had crossed Damien's mind occasionally, but it felt excessive, greedy and downright soulless. Not to mention it fit the stereotype of his kin way too much. 'Watching Lily fuck so many people has killed the idea for me.'

The love birds wandered into the changing room, and over twenty maids bowed their heads, "Wow!" Fay exclaimed as she looked around at the mountains of clothes. Even Damien's pathetic wardrobe was now filled with an impressive collection of noble-style clothes. The maids quickly got to work and formed a line, each clutching a different outfit for Fay.

The noble girl had stars in her eyes; over the past few weeks, she only had a few outfits, most of which came from the Mayor's collection when they arrived. They were rich people surrounded by poverty; gold is useless in a jungle or on the moon. Blackthorn simply lacked the expertise or materials to make high-end noble dresses. They did have the ability to make decent dresses, which Lily bought a lot of, but real noble dresses that were like wearable works of art were impossible to find.

But with the fall of Staedbergh, the Ravenhall estate was ransacked for all its worth. As one of the most wealthy baron families on the peninsula, all those works of art, clothes, cutlery, weapons, armour, and even the Aurel had become his.

While Fay went through the outfits, Damien went to his side and browsed through the collection.

"Master would look dashing in this..." Damien turned to the voice and saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair, black nails and a fang-filled grin.

"Olympia, you became a maid?"

The young vampire shrugged, "I can be whatever master desires, but this is the job I have conducted all my life and know best..."

Damien smiled and put a hand on his kin's head, "Well, a maid outfit does suit you. But you are free to do whatever you wish. I can provide funds, clothes, anything. You are both my servant and kin; don't let these humans order you around. You can become the head maid if you want?"

A small tear of blood dripped from Olympia's eyes as she clutched her arms close to her chest, "R-really? So I don't have to be a slave anymore?"

"Of course not! Go over and join Fay and pick out a dress. You are Nightshade nobility now; wear the name with pride."

Olympia ripped off the maid dress in a flash; despite her rather innocent-looking face, her body was that of a war god. Damien had seen Lily and Vanity's bodies, and neither of them was ripped with muscles 'A Vampire and Noble Vampires' biology are indeed different. Lily looked like a typical slim teenager from Earth, yet she could easily punch holes through walls.'

Like a puppy, Olympia appeared next to Fay, startling her. Fay then cast a curious glance at Damien, and he shrugged back in return. The two communicated a silent agreement, and then Damien returned to looking for an appropriate suit.

Although he liked the red wine suit, he felt it was rather stuffy to wear in these spring months. After browsing for a while, he settled on a navy blue shirt that fit his torso perfectly, letting his muscles fill out the fabric and slightly show through. He finished the outfit with trousers similar to jeans and smart casual black shoes. 'Men's fashion is simple even in this world; nothing works better than jeans and a shirt.'

Damien then left the pair of girls, he already knew they would be in there for a while, and he felt rude watching them. 'Also, I think Fay realised that Olympia is a rather unique existence. Although I tell her I have no interest in other girls, there is always that risk, but with Olympia, there is none. I see her more as my child, so Fay can hang out with her and discuss girl talk.' This was another reason Damien didn't force Olympia to stay as a maid. Fay needed some girlfriends to confide in. Sure, she sometimes spoke with Roselyn or fought with Emilia, but she didn't have anyone to depend on apart from Damien, which is unhealthy. Damien wanted his wifey to feel comfortable and live life to the fullest, not always following him around like an abandoned puppy.

While he waited, Damien strolled down the corridors. Maids and workers scuttled around as they carefully decorated the place. Even the carpet he walked upon had been stolen from the Ravenhall estate. Paintings of wars he had never witnessed and sculptures of poets he had never heard of went up on podiums and walls. 'That's a funny thought. As an immortal creature, wouldn't my castle eventually be filled with things I collected over my long years? Maybe even paintings of myself on a battlefield or sculptures of myself posing like those Roman emperors?'

Damien felt his narcissism rising at the thoughts, so he distracted himself by looking out the window and across the lake. 'I will get a leviathan to live in the lake...' Damien watched the water and noticed something, 'Isn't the water level rather low?'

For all of Blackthorn's miraculous development, the fundamental issues of its geography had not been solved. Magic could only go so far; eventually, the population's needs would outgrow what the environment could provide. 'We need to move soon. Eldritch Valley will be our new home. But first, I need to stop the economy from collapsing.' Damien undid the cuffs of his shirt as he walked away.


Apart from playing Throne and Awakening, one of Damien's favourite past times was watching random online videos about economics and other various topics. "Office of Public Affairs." Damien scoffed at the name as he pushed his way through the doors. Inside the massive building were hundreds of booths with pretty ladies standing behind most of them. Through the sea of people, Damien saw a man in casual wear, much like himself, with a purple eye stitched onto his shirt, running around like a crazy person. The young man's demeanour had matured since Damien last saw him.

"Randy!" Damien shouted over the crowd of people.

The young man's brown ponytail whipped around as he turned to Damien with wide eyes, "Damien! What have you done!"

Damien's eye twitched at the evident lack of respect. Still, Randy was one of Damien's hardest working and most trustworthy associates, so he let it slide. "I have come to resolve the matter..."

"Oh, great!" Randy rolled his eyes as he jogged over and shoved a stack of papers in Damien's hand, "Took your darn time! What have you been doing for this last week? It's been mayhem down here. Do you see this?" Randy pointed a shaking finger at the bags under his eyes, "Over five thousand people have come looking for jobs, and I hired three hundred of them myself."

Randy then scowled at Fay and Olympia, that stood on either side of Damien. "Ah." A face of pure disgust appeared, "Never mind, I see what you have been doing. In my office, now!"

Damien put his gloved hand on Randy's shoulder and squeezed slightly while baring his fangs. "Randy, you know I trust and respect you but calm down for a moment before I do something to that blabbering mouth of yours."

Randy let out a deep sigh, "You are right, sorry. But this is crazy! What am I supposed to do? There are not enough jobs to go around... and... and I had to... turn starving people away..."

"Randy, look at me." Damien said softly, trying to calm the man, "Have I ever failed you? Would I bring so many people here without a plan? But, do not worry; many massive projects are coming up that you weren't made aware of."

"Such as?" Randy looked at Damien with scepticism as if he was a con artist, "I would love to hear your grand plans..."

Damien pointed to the staircase at the far end, "Lead the way."

Randy looked around, the room had gone silent, and he saw hundreds of people staring at them. "Oh right." He scratched the back of his neck in shame, "To my office then."


bob barker

koala bear, called Fay > (remove comma) fang-filled grin. "Olympia, you became a maid?" > fang-filled grin. [line break] "Olympia, you became a maid?" staving people > starving


My heart is in pec now after this chapter ;)