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Hello everyone, I have some happy news for myself but sad news for you guys. I am finally taking a step back from writing Damien. I have consistently been writing it for seven months now, and I am tired and bored of it. But! I want to write it to completion and not let you guys down too much by disappearing out of the blue, soooo here's the compromise. I will upload one chapter a week on Fridays of Damien Nightshade. Any extra chapters I write of it will be uploaded here and will be added to the backlog.

I have the time to write, although I am rather busy looking for a job, if I really need to, I could write five chapters of Damien a week, but I simply don't want to. I want to enjoy my summer, explore new novel ideas and do other things with my time. Writing one chapter takes at least five hours so spending ten hours a week on a novel that has stagnated in growth and I don't enjoy writing just seems silly.

Sorry for the maybe sad news? Authors are only human, and we have our own stuff going on, shit happens, and that's life.

In the meantime, I will be uploading one or more chaps a week of my Lich novel, so feel free to stick around and read that. You can also read it here or on scribblehub: 


I hope some of you stick around, but I understand if this decision means you leave. Thanks for the support thus far!


TLDR; Reducing the upload schedule of Damien from every three days to once a week on Fridays. 




Keep doing what you need to do to keep going. I'd rather get one good chapter a week instead of you rushing things to try to please the readers. That will cause the chapters to lower in quality and will burn you keep. Keep it up and looking forward to more Lich chapters