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Reincarnated as a Lich [LitRPG]


The Demonic Noctus sect is shocked when the Grand Elder awakens from his tomb after 300 years of being dead...

The chapters will be uploaded here to Patreon as well as here:


It will eventually be put onto RoyalRoad and Webnovel once the backlog is around 20ish chapters


Hey everyone I have felt rather burned out from writing five chapters of Damien a week, it was a rather ambitious undertaking. It's not the actual writing part that's hard, it's the brain drain of focusing so hard on only one thing. I am a rather creative person and I get easily sidetracked on new projects... which is happening right now...

So the new update schedule for Damien will be every 2-3 days rather than 5 chapters a week. Honestly, I was debating dropping Damien altogether but I feel with this slower upload rate that I will find the motivation to continue. 

I really appreciate the support you guys have provided me over the past few months and I hope this news isn't too disappointing. Do give my new novel a try, you might like it :)



bob barker

yeah I thought that 5 per week might be excessive. Most authors only do 1 per week


Yea usually authors do one 3-6k word chapter a week. I was doing five 1.5k-2k chapters which is around 8k words a week.


Glad to hear you are pacing yourself with chapters, would hate to see you get burned out and drop a story. Looking forward to seeing what this new novel is about.