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A slight jolt of pain awakens Fay from her lengthy slumber. Yet she does not panic. Why should she? Every morning begins with pain; it is merely routine. But to Fay's delight, the pain is followed by the utmost pleasure.

It begins from her neck and radiates from there; the two pinpricks from Damien's fangs greedily suck away her blood, but they also deposit a little of his delectable blood behind.

Usually, Fay can endure the ecstasy in silence, wary of disturbing Damien's feast. But with her mana circuit depleted, Damien's blood is much more potent than before, and she is powerless to resist.

Fay couldn't hold herself back; she let out a low needy moan and curled her toes.

Damien ignored Fay's cute moan as he quickly began to cultivate. The sound of his heartbeat helped to distract Fay.

Fay spent the next few minutes feeling hot and bothered. Damien's blood filled her with warmth as it slightly changed her body, such as enhancing her mana circuit and enlarging her muscles slightly. Only after vigorously pleasuring herself did the feeling subside.

Finally feeling the strength to move, Fay rolled out of bed. She gave Damien a quick kiss on the forehead before continuing her morning routine.

'He has cultivated like that ever since the hunt,' Fay thought to herself as she headed towards the dressing room across the corridor. The room was massive and had storage for hundreds of dresses, shoes and jewellery. Resting on a large makeup desk was a crude mirror of polished silver.

Fay inspected her body as always with her scarlet eyes. Her raven black hair swayed freely down her naked back and tickled the base of her spine as she walked. But that isn't what concerned her.

Fay traced her finger down her chest and felt the rigid bumps, 'My muscles keep growing...' Fay was still incredibly lean, but a six-pack was obvious even without tensing. 'Luckily, my arms are still the same.'

A frown formed on her face as she checked out her breasts that had grown in size over the past month, 'Still very perky despite their size...' she thought as she cupped them in her hands.

Her stomach rumbling caused her to stop caressing herself in the mirror and made her feel rather silly, 'I need to eat before Damien needs feeding again.' Fay closed her eyes and concentrated. She could hear Damien's pounding heartbeat across the corridor, but she could also hear a fast-paced one just outside the door, showing its owner's anxiety.


A timid brown haired girl with unremarkable features quickly entered from a side room and handed Fay a freshly washed dress that smelled of lemons. It was white and was her new favourite. Hence she needed it regularly cleaned.

The maid couldn't resist, and her eyes wandered across Fay's naked body.

Fay strolled towards the maid and towered over the underfed peasant. Her delicate hand gripped the maid's jaw and forced their eyes to meet, "Eyes up here, human, these aren't for you..." Fay's nose twitched.

Much to the maid's terror, Fay leaned in closer and sniffed her neck with intense scrutiny. "Mostly human..." While stroking the maid's neck, she commented, "There's a certain sweetness coming from you. Perhaps a little elf bloodline?" Fay's eyes dangerously narrowed, and the poor little maid almost soiled herself in fear.

Fay's breath was hot on the maid's ear as she whispered, "Do not approach my husband, little thing~ Okay?"

The maid had taken on a new shade of white and meekly nodded.

"I shall be down for breakfast in a moment, so be a good little maid and make sure everything is ready."

The maid didn't even take her eyes off the floor; with another simple nod, she ran away.

Fay pulled the dress over her head with practised movements without giving the maid another thought. She then sat in front of the mirror and searched for any imperfections on her face.

Pleasantly surprised to find none, she then focused on her hair. Despite not showering, it was incredibly silky to the touch. After much debate, she tied her long hair into a ponytail. She then completed her look with silver rings and phoenix shaped earrings.

Happy with her appearance for the day, Fay left the room in good spirits. She passed the bedroom and noticed Damien had fallen asleep again, 'That man sleeps sixteen hours a day, what a lazy bastard-'


A rude maid interrupted her lovely thoughts, "What? Speak human."

'Why do I refer to everyone as human now? Did I always do that? Hmmm.'

"Mistress, sorry for interrupting... erm... Princess Emilia is here to see you. She is waiting downstairs."

Fay let out a long, drawn-out sigh, "Moonbitch is here, great! Perfect! Just to brighten my day!"

"I can tell her you are busy, Mistress-"

"No!" Fay waved the maid off, "I shall deal with it, bring her to the dining hall."


The dining hall would be grand if not for the half-rotted table, missing chairs and lack of decoration.

Fay sat on one side with a plate stacked high with horse meat and various vegetables.

Emilia gawked at the amount of food, "Miss Fay, can you eat that much? I must say that is a portion fit for three adult men!"

Fay didn't break eye contact as she ripped into the meat; once she had swallowed her mouthful, she answered, "Have to keep husband fed too. So, naturally, I will have to eat more. Now tell me! Why are you here?"

Emilia put down her knife and fork carefully and crossed her hands, "I am here about courting Damien-"

"Try." While pointing her steak knife at Emilia's throat, Fay insisted, "Just try."

Emilia put her hands up, "Miss Fay, please be reasonable. Kings naturally have many wives... stop being so protective!"

Fay smiled as she ripped into another piece of meat, "No. Nope. I don't want to share. Get your own husband, you moon whore." Fay had a dark expression and muttered, "Maybe I should kill all the rivals..." a dense mist began shrouding her form.

Emilia shuddered and quickly stood up. She gracefully dabbed her mouth with a napkin before leaving for the door, "I will see you tonight for another hunt. Goodbye."

"Don't come back!" Fay shouted before hurling a knife in her direction.


A cultist holding horse reins shielded his eyes from the midday sun with his arm. He could hear a raging river in the distance, "Princess Nightshade, we have reached the Divider."

There was a brief pause before a long, drawn-out sigh.

"We just had to reach the Divider during the day..." Vanity's monotonous voice came through the carriage's thin wooden walls, "I will be right out."

Vanity pulled a black cloak tightly around herself. Then, after confirming the lack of gaps apart from her face, she carefully climbed over the two metal coffins containing the Thornvlad twins before leaving the carriage.

The hash sunlight made her face feel on fire despite keeping her head down. "Luckily, I keep my powers." Vanity mumbled as she began drawing runes in blood on the side of the carriage.

As she completed her work, cultists surrounded her with makeshift umbrellas. It took half an hour, but finally, the carriage was dripping with her blood in a runic formation. Vanity then turned to the second carriage as the thirst overtook her mind.

"You there."

A large man with a bushy grey beard pointed to himself.

"Yes, you, retrieve a travel ration for me."

The cultist bowed deeply before walking across the mud to retrieve a slave. The poor slaves were hardly alive, having sat outside in the sun without a single drop of water or food since the group left the Nightshade Citadel.

Vanity couldn't even tell the gender of the slave, 'Looks like a burnt raisin.' she thought as her fangs dug deep. 'Tastes like dusty water. Plah'

With the lacklustre ration dead, Vanity hardly felt sated. In fact, the foul tasking blood only made her more thirsty. She wished to feed on more of the rations but would they make it to Damien in time?

Vanity's vision turned red as she activated her Blood Tacking spell. Damien's presence still felt rather weak to the west, but he was closer than before and should only be a few days of travelling away.

'If I didn't have these useless Thornvlad twins, I could run there in a few hours...they are truly worthless swines!'

While under the shade of the cultist, Vanity tapped her finger and inspected them one by one. She eventually decided on a skinny looking woman, "Cultist come here."

She was practically beaming with excitement, "Yes, Princess? How may I serve thee?"

"I need a snack; you will do."

"Oh! Certainly!" The woman leans over and exposes her neck, yet Vanity has no time for this.

The woman's head explodes with frightening speed and showers the cultists in a mist of blood and brain matter. Vanity unhinges her jaw and attaches herself to the blood fountain. Then, using Hemokinesis, she redirects all the blood inside herself and quickly absorbs it.

Wiping her mouth with her bloodstained cloak, Vanity drops the cultist corpse and gets back to work.

The cultists give their fallen a glance before quickly following their Princess. One of them even kicks the corpse on the way out, "Lucky bitch."

Vanity ignored the mentally insane cultists, and after an hour, she had successfully covered the horses and the second carriage in blood runes.

Despite their training, the horses still tried to escape from the blood-soaked Vanity, so the cultists had to restrain them.

With preparations complete, the cultists gathered aboard the wagon containing the twin's coffins. With everyone onboard, Vanity poured mana into the blood runes.

The intricate formation glowed a sinister black and came alive; the two carriages and horses began floating within seconds.

Vanity dug her feet into the mud and pushed the horses first; they neighed and squealed as they floated across the ten mile-wide river. The carriages soon followed.

Vanity then ran up towards the river bank and jumped. With just her raw power, she left a crater behind, and with a sonic boom, she shot across the raging river within seconds.

Arriving at the other side as gracefully as a cannonball, Vanity removed some twigs and mud from her white hair and awaited the horses and carriages to come under the shade of a tree.

Her thoughts then briefly went to Damien. She instinctively licked her lips.



I bet some random bandits will attack Vanity on her way to Damien.

bob barker

hahaha. oh man.


I like fay attitude hope she will not falter