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Damien left the trashed room in a foul mood. He scowled at the faded red carpets and the cracked sandstone walls as he strode through the castle's ancient hallways. Filthy humans scurried passed or hid in rooms as he passed; they smelled of fear. He ignored them.

Eventually, he stood tall on the fabled bridge where his first slaughter of humans occurred. It transpired weeks ago, yet he still remembers their screams and hatred filled eyes.

The morning wind that smelled of fresh flora and morning dew caressed his naked form and ruffled his hair, yet he cared not. Instead, it helped calm his raging heart.

He clenched his hand; his deathly sharp nails that had impaled enchanted metal felt soft on his skin. Chuckling to himself, Damien looked across the dawn-lit lake in deep contemplation.

"It appears I still hold delusions on who I truly am, and these last few nights are proof of that. I refused to sit down and take a moment to think, debate, and contemplate. Instead, I distracted myself from these terrifying thoughts by always recklessly pressing forward."

Damien calmed himself; he had to try something that seemed impossible. Alien even.

He stopped breathing.

And the urge to take another breath never came. Vampires didn't even have lungs; it just felt right to keep breathing—a human instinct that remained from his mortal life.

Damien smiled. It was hard to cast away another human instinct, but he felt better for it.

"So where does Damien from Earth end and Damien Nightshade begin? No, that's the wrong question to ask. It does not matter, for we are the same. Our memories merged, and our personalities mixed. There is no longer a Damien from Earth nor a Nightshade Prince. We have unified as one. I have become one."

"I have not taken on Damiens burdens; they are my burdens. I am not a fraud nor an imposter. No, I have simply changed and evolved into something new. Something slightly human but overwhelmingly Vampire."

Damien threw his head back and laughed. It was chaotic, to begin with, but it soon transitioned into one of relief and genuine acceptance.

"I am truly laughable! A blinded fool of the most heinous kind! Death flags? Danger? Bah! I am a Vampire, an immortal creature driven by all the sins. People want me dead? The sun rises in the east! Hahaha!"

Damien ran his fingers through white hair to calm himself before declaring, "But! Although hatred and envy towards me are inevitable, a long-lived man aims to reduce and neutralize threats. Even an ancient tree can topple from ants nibbling at its roots. I would be a fool to get complacent! I am still terribly weak and surrounded; only when my Immortal Kingdom of Night stands tall, and my pathetic enemies cower from my mere name can I rest with only one eye open!"

Damien looked towards the black mountains of the north, his eyes filled with determination, "I will come for the throne, Brother. Just you wait."


A court remains in session within an extinct volcano, deep within the Kazimir mountains.

Vanity Nightshade lay in the same position she had weeks ago; her body was perfectly still, and even her eyelids ceased blinking. She had entered a stasis state, yet her brain remained partially active.

A brown-haired Vampire not much taller than she tirelessly continued repeating the same demand.

"I implore the honourable representative of House Vernius to vacate their Vampires, Thralls and Cultists from our lands! The far Westlands have belonged to House Destrym since the age of Kazimir!"

"Hear, hear!" A group of human featured Vampire's cheered.

"Order! Order in the court!" Everyone went silent as the Daywalker spoke. Karpov sat on the throne surrounded by grass, his face twisted in annoyance and discomfort. Not only did he have to pay attention and dictate the court, but he felt the wrathful gaze of the sun god on his back.

A thin but exceedingly tall vampire with pointed ears and feminine features stood, "I am Elder Gerek, representing House Vernius. As previously stated a hundred times, you do not possess the capabilities to vacate us forcefully, nor should you hold exclusive rights to such a large portion of land. It has been hundreds of years since these lands were assigned, times have changed, and the livestock is on the move. War is coming to the mortal realm, and we must adapt our hunting grounds!"

"Hear, hear!" A group of elven featured vampires exclaimed.

Karpov let out a deep sigh, "Court will now enter its fifty-seventh break; I need to speak with a Thornvlad Elder."

"Court adjourned!"

For the first time in weeks, Vanity moved her eyes from the ceiling. She strained her hearing as a red-haired Elder Noble stood at the cusp of the morning light and discussed a highly sensitive matter with Karpov.

The assassination of Damien.

"Oh, Princess of the light, Angel of Nightshade, how are you on this fine day?"

Vanity turned her head and scowled, "Jackson and Lily, why do you bother me?"

The Demon spawns grinned, and Jackson spoke with his hands on his hips, "We are childhood friends of Damiens; it's only right we pester his sister at every opportunity. But, say, where is that rascal anyway?"

Vanity scowled, "Do not refer to the Prince as a rascal."

Jackson shrugged, "But he is one, though?"

Vanity sighed, "The rascal went on an adventure to the human realm, although his holiday may be cut a little short." Vanity gestured to Karpov with a sneer, "Mister paranoid over there finally lost his patience."

The twins from House Thornvlad laughed; they looked truly sinister with deep red hair and pitch-black eyes.

Lily spoke this time as Jackson was busy listening in on the conversation, "Princess... can we go and see him?"

Vanity waved her off, "Go yourselves. The Cultists can take care of you. No need to involve me in your shenanigans."

Jackson chuckled, "Princess Vanity, I know you hate us but come on. What if the Cultists are eaten by a monstrosity of mana or attacked by Oshal knights? Those Cultists are all pathetically weak compared to you, not to mention your unique..."

Lily pouted, "Why can you stand under the sun without becoming weaker than a slug? It's truly unjust!"

Vanity sneered, "Demon spawn."

"Angel whore." The twins proclaimed in unison.

"Court is now in session!" Karpov announced from his throne of light.

Vanity groaned, "If I have to listen to one more round of blabbering from these ancient fools, I shall truly go mad!"

Jackson had a cheeky grin; his pitch-black eyes met hers, "So... you coming?"

Vanity rose off the floor; her heart began pumping blood around her body for the first time in weeks as her stasis state ceased. "Follow me, you uncouth swines."

Karpov burned a hole in her back with his gaze, but she gracefully ignored it.


The Vampire's territory spread for hundreds of miles throughout the Kazmir mountain range; Vanity ran through a black stone tunnel without a shred of light; the fiery red-haired twins followed a step behind. "We shall leave through the Nightshade Citadel; any objections?"

Jackson hummed in agreement, but Lily sulked, "Our Nightmares are faster than your Cultist's primitive equines."

Vanity eyed the devilish girl, "We will be following your House's assassins. Think you, imbecile! A Nightmare would draw attention to ourselves; a common horse is far superior for covert operations!"

As they made haste, the wind rushed past the trio; their speed was unfathomable but hard to decipher as the walls were bare and straight. The Nightshades quadrant of the territory is underdeveloped. Thralls and Vampires worked tirelessly for their masters to expand the tunnels throughout the centuries, but the Nightshade's support has since dwindled, as evident by the empty tunnels in disrepair.

Eventually, the tunnel widened to hundreds of meters in width and height. Beyond the entrance was the Nightshade Citadel, one of the four fortresses that guard the Vampire's territory against bothersome invaders.

Sheer faces of rock surround the immense Nightshade Citadel, the freezing wind howls through the structures, and clouds swirl around the towering spires that pierced the heavens.

Cultists. Fanatic slaves of the Noble Vampires, bound by contracts of blood, toil around the dark halls of the Citadel in heavy black robes that protect them from the winds. Some patrol the walls, scanning a thousand meters of mountain range that separated the Citadel from the Northern Wastelands. Others tend to recently captured humans, harvesting blood for their Noble masters.

Vanity's unannounced arrival caused an uproar.

A towering man donning black robes vigorously slammed his head to the floor, drawing blood. "Princess of the Night! This humble one is at your service!"

Vanity shoved her barefoot in the man's mouth, causing him to gag, "Rise mortal, I desire transportation."

"R-right thish way", he slurred; Vanity put power behind her step, breaking his jaw with a sickening crunch.

The Cultist cried out, but Vanity's foot muffled the noise.

"Mortal! Do not sully my foot with your tainted blood and drool; we must make haste!"

The Cultist rose, jaw hanging loosely. Nevertheless, he bowed in respect; he attempted to speak but failed.

Vanity wore a predatory grin, "I do not wish to hear your useless words, slave; bring two coffins of black steel for these devil spawn, a robe for myself and hmm..."

She turned to the twins, "How many travel rations?"

Lily licked her lips, "Five men for me."

"Same, but I prefer used female whores." Jackson added.

"A choice that suits your heinous tastes." Vanity commented, and Jackson smiled.

Vanity turned towards the eager Cultist, "Two men and woman for me, preferably strong-willed ones. I despise dull rations." Vanity slowly stepped towards the Cultist, her bare feet on the smooth stone, "Fulfill my request-"

The Cultist shuddered in fear or ecstasy as Vanity ran her hand down his chest, "-and I will reward you..."

He nodded frantically before running off.

"A drop of divine blood for such a pathetic Cultist?" Jackson sneered, "How far the angel of House Nightshade has fallen."

"Silence, fiend." Vanity snarled between clenched teeth, "If not for your friendship with Damien, I would strike you where you stand."

The Thornvlad twins towered over Vanity, yet they felt small under her wrathful glare.

"The Princess is indeed merciful." Lily proclaimed, and Jackson sarcastically nodded.

"Uncouth swines." Vanity commented as she strode away.


bob barker

shere > sheer blackthorn twins > thornvlad twins very interesting chapter. looking forward to next-


Oh no, she's hot.