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The mid-afternoon sun sat high in the sky, signifying the passing of hours since this morning. Discussions that would shake the peninsula and possibly the entire continent occurred within a shabby conference room.

Around a wooden table stood a kingdom's future leaders.

Damien pointed with his cane towards a crude model of the surroundings on a large stone slate, "We need to move the capital city as far north as possible. Marquess Cunningdal's territory and Blackthorn will act as border cities to weather the incoming invasion, which we all agree is likely. King Edward will fall sooner or later. With the Royal court and the other Dukes under Prince August's control, we will be the last bastions of hope against his undead army."

The enormous warrior scratched his reddish-brown beard while contemplating Damien's ideas. "I am not opposed to using my territory as a buffer state. However, if we are to move north, we must keep along the western line. The vampires control the central area of the Kazmir Mountains, and Oshal still maintains a military presence in the Northern Wastelands to the east."

Richard Cunningdal placed his hand briefly on the stone slab, and the model changed; walls rose to signify the areas they couldn't claim for themselves. He then highlighted a valley in the far northwest, "This location would be perfect; the valley is mostly unexplored due to the many monstrosities that call it home. Also, the terrain forces an invading army into a funnel, and the mountains protect the northern flank."

Fay chimed in, "What about the ocean? Couldn't they use ships and attack from the western shores?"

Damien lightly shook his head, "A good suggestion, but fortunately, they cannot. Two titans wait within the murky depths and guard the oceans on either side of the peninsula. They devour ships and swat airships from the skies like bugs."

Fay tilted her head in confusion, "Weren't we planning on visiting Icrilis, the city of magic on the central continent? How will we get there if not by ship?"

"The Dean." Damien shuddered at the thought of that old man, "He's the one who made the titans, or so he claims. We will accompany the old man to Icrilis."

At the reminder of the Dean, Damien thought about how they designed Throne and Awakening, 'When this was still a mere VR game, an Ai controlled every character to make the experience unique on every playthrough. So apart from the few set events, every interaction would be slightly different. The game developers didn't want players to leave the starting zone too soon. Their solution was to put a stupidly strong time mage as a regional boss. Only the Dean holds the key to the titans, allowing only airships he rides to leave the peninsula safely.'

Thar adjusted the monocle resting on his eye, "Why not fly over the Kazimir Mountains?"

"Many have tried, but none ever came back." Damien commented as he looked towards Varn, "As someone who crossed the mountains, you would know the dangers."

The lizard absently nodded, "Yus, I lost all my guards along the way... it took months to cross that hellscape... Terrifying monsters warped by the chaotic and dense mana." Varn's eyes were tightly shut as he maintained his Chaos Zone spell, "I am near my limit again..."

"Alright, let's wrap this meeting up quickly then." Damien announced, drawing everyone's attention, "Blackthorn will function as our temporary place of operations. I will be moving into the Tarlington castle with Fay, and my apprentices can also stay. Therefore this building is free for the Marquess and your people."

Richard, Evelyn and Nicholas gave an appreciative nod.

Damien smiled and continued, "I will have to trouble the Marquess, Miss Evelyn and any other Earth mages in your service to harden the roads and erect temporary accommodation for your own from mud and stone; Blackthorn simply cannot house a thousand knights."

"It is humiliating but a necessary step." Richard said with a chuckle, "I have a few other earth mages in my service; consider it done. Although we have food for a month or so, does Blackthorn have the capabilities to grow food?"

Damien looked toward Roselyn. She looked sickly with Thar lightly supporting her with his arm, "Miss Roselyn has abilities within the life element, although her abilities have a slightly unusual requirement."

In surprise, Richard raised his bushy brows, "No offence Miss Roselyn, but you appear rather sickly for someone claiming to have the rare life element. Not to mention the black robes you wear are a stark comparison to the white robes of traditional healers."

Roselyn weakly looked at the intimidating warrior, her eyes shifting from brown to abyssal black, and her black hair moved like snakes. Then, with a raspy voice, she spoke, "To give life, I must exchange one. When a tree withers away, it provides nutrients for the saplings of tomorrow."

Richard hummed to himself while inspecting the fascinating woman, "That is indeed true. So how do you acquire the nutrients for your spells."

Roselyn looked up at Thar, and he smiled back. She leaned into his embrace, and her hair climbed up his neck. Like a coiling snake, her vine-like hair wrapped around Thar's neck. Small thorns grew and pierced the half orcs' skin.

Blood trickled down his neck before being greedily absorbed by Roselyn's hair.

Within seconds, Roselyn's appearance improved. She stood straighter; her cheeks became rosy, and her eyes shifted back from abyssal black to calming brown.

Thar seemed unbothered by the events, and once Roselyn had drunk her fill, her hair flopped back down her back. Thar's skin visibly healed, leaving no evidence.

"A vampire dryad?" Commander Nicholas commented from the side, "Haven't seen such a rare creature- ahem, I meant human in such a long time. Truly powerful but with a clear weakness."

Richard nodded in agreement, "Weak to sunlight and the constant thirst for blood. Due to their non-offensive abilities, they find it hard to extract the blood they need for their spells. Nobody would happily sit around and be sucked dry by a plant-like Apprentice Thar was a moment ago."

Damien grinned, "Unless they willingly give blood instead of taxes. Everyone has blood; it's free."

Richard's eyes narrowed, "Are you creating this kingdom for Vampires? Are we all livestock to you?"

"Not quite... but half true." Damien fixed his suit as he awkwardly coughed, "I plan to inherit my birthright and become King of the Vampires someday. But that is far in the future."

Damien looked towards Fay, and she beamed back, "I am a hated existence, Marquess. The humans fear me; the vampires hunt me; I have nowhere to call home, nowhere to live out my days. The path is laid before me, but only for the foreseeable future. I must complete my goals before I reach the realm of uncertainty."

He continued after a brief pause, "I have a long life ahead of me, Marquess; it is vital to lay the foundations of an immortal empire that will serve as my shield to my enemies. You know as well as I that the stronger a mage becomes, the larger the target on their back. There is nothing in this life that mages and nobles fear more than a constant threat to their lives living in their backyard."

The Marquess had a serious expression, "I understand." He then looked between Damien and Fay, "I guess being immoral changes one's perspective. Us mortals embrace death as one would an old friend while hoping to leave a legacy behind. But you.... you reject death, avoid it like the plague. A constant shadow that haunts you."

The warrior let out a tired sigh, "An immortal Kingdom, built from the blood of its people. A proper Kingdom needs a name."

Everyone looked toward Damien.


Varn collapsed to the floor as a wave of power dissipated his spell.

Thar was the first to react, "M-master, is that a runic word."

"Not quite; it comes from an ancient language known as Latin."

"W-what does S-sanguis mean?" Thar could hardly pronounce the word.

"It means blood. A Kingdom founded on blood should have such a name."

"Sanguis..." Richard muttered, "A fitting name for a Vampire Kingdom." He then rubbed his hands together in excitement, "So Miss Roselyn can fertilize these wastelands with the blood of its inhabitants? What an interesting concept."

Roselyn nodded towards the warrior, "That I can. I wish to help Blackthorn prosper."

"Good. We will be in your care, Miss Roselyn." The Marquess bowed slightly towards the woman, causing her to nervously bow back, "Thank you, Marquess, I will count on your protection when the time comes."

Fay clapped her hands, causing her rings to clink together, "Varn spell is gone so the Owl could be listening; let's end the meeting here?" She glanced at Damien, and he nodded, "Everyone knows their roles for now. Any issues, come and visit me at Tarlington castle."

Everyone nodded. The stone slate returned to its former bland appearance with a thought from the Marquess. "We shall remain here, Your Highness."

Damien agreed and quickly left the Mayor's building with his people. Walter waited patiently outside in the car. "Time to meet with Kieran Ravenhall..." Damien muttered as he climbed inside.



So is rose developing a life and death circuits?


Basically yes. But she can only access death magic while "plugged in" to the mass of vines.


bigbrain time