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Hello! I have been snooping around some other authors' Patreons and appreciated when they made these public posts, so I thought of doing my own, especially since this next month will be an interesting one.

So what's up with me? I am currently in the 3rd year of my computer science degree and will be 100% finished with University on the 13th of this month (maybe the 20th if I can get an extension with some fake illness).

Due to covid, I couldn't travel with my friends during my university summers, so I will be making up for that near the end of this year (Around August time?) by visiting Japan with some friends.

So my plan? Once University ends, I plan to try writing full time. I don't expect to make this my full-time job, but it would be a fun side project to raise a little extra cash for holidays and stuff.

Anyway, what does that mean for all of you? I will be releasing four chapters a week on the free sites and five chapters a week here on Patreon (7500 words a week!). That way, Patreons will always have an incentive to stay subscribed as they get more content each week; this also allows me to build up a sizeable backlog.

This increased upload schedule should begin sometime near the end of this month, but for now, you will have to put up with my slow upload speed as I have a 15k word coursework due in 2 weeks, and I'm only 6k into it D:

Damien currently has three books planned out with a potential fourth. The end goal is to finish all three books and then get them heavily edited and eventually published to kindle unlimited.

It honestly baffles me that my novel is enjoyable enough that anyone is willing to throw a few bucks my way. It helps a lot with the motivation (and justifying to my parents that this is a good use of time :) I have many awesome ideas in the works and can't wait to share them all with you through Damien's journey!

So, in conclusion. More chapters are coming soon, and this novel will continue for many months!

Thanks for reading,


(PS. Chapter 73 should be out tomorrow; I'm 1k words into it already.)
