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“It's not a game anymore after all…” Damien muttered while staring at the gold-plated pocket watch in his hand.

“What's not a game master?” Fay asked as she shakily tried to dress Damien. She had to stand on a stool to reach Damien's shoulders and due to blood loss, she was struggling to stand. She was tempted to use Damiens shoulder as support, but quickly suppressed the idea as she didn’t want to die yet.

“Don't talk to me” Damien responded coldly “From today you will stay in my sight at all times, if you leave my sight for even a moment I will lock you in a cage.”

Fay’s hand which was adjusting Damiens tie froze in place, ‘Does he know?’ she thought, her mind racing with scenarios, trying to justify how she was found out.

Damien just gave a toothy grin, revealing his fangs as if he could read Fay’s thoughts. Fay was terrified but quickly nodded in acknowledgment and continued to dress Damien, but with haste in her actions, as if wishing to run away from the monster in front of her as soon as possible.

As Fay went to tie his shoes, Damien snapped open the pocket watch and looked at the little mirror on the inside of the lid.

Psychokinesis [C] - Also known as telekinesis, the ability to influence a physical system without physical interaction, typically manifesting as being able to exert force, control objects, and move matter with one’s mind. This is the most basic skill from the Psychic school of magic.

(New) Telepathy [F] - The ability to transmit or receive thoughts and memories supernaturally. Currently can only read surface thoughts of one person at a time within a meter range, thoughts and memories can be sent to one person within 5 meters.

‘In the game whenever the player levelled a skill from a school of magic above the D grade they would receive a new skill from that school of magic. Since I upgraded my [Psychokinesis] skill to C I received the skill [Telepathy] as a reward, but it starts at the F grade.’

‘I have to stop thinking this is still a game world. In the game to level an ability the only way was through combat with monsters or practice in a training field to gain exp. What does exp stand for? Experience. In a game world the developers will give players certain ways to gain experience but since this is no longer a game world why would I have to go to a practice field in order to game exp? Why couldn't I practice in the bath?’

‘But even then… Why did I level up so fast? Did the world decide my usage of [Psychokinesis] was equal to C rank and decided to promote me? Did I do anything special?’

Damien thought long and hard if he did anything special compared to the first time he used Psychokinesis when he woke up in his bed.

‘When I moved the pocket watch from the desk to my bed I was concentrating incredibly hard on the pocket watch and manipulating it in the air… but when I was in the bath I was focused on my death flags and controlling the pocket watch subconsciously?’

‘Was the requirement to advance to C rank to be able to control something subconsciously with Psychokinesis? If so then how can I advance to B rank? I should use Psychokinesis as much as possible to try and advance asap.’


Damien realised a lot of time had passed while he was deep in thought and he was now dressed.

“Master, I'm sorry to trouble you but I have not eaten all day… and since you drank so much blood I'm feeling very weak now.”

Damien did feel a little bad about that so he simply nodded “You are dismissed, go and make some food then.”

“But master you said I cannot leave your sight.”

Damien smacked himself mentally. Maybe locking her in a cage is the right move? Just as he was about to tell her he was going to lock her in a cage he stopped. The words refused to come out.

A voice seemed to whisper from his very soul, ‘A noble never goes back on their word, at least to the person's face.’

‘Ah of course my traits have to make everything difficult for me. I forgot about [Noble Aura], it forces me to act like a noble, and also the fact my race is [Noble Vampire] further forces me to act like one.’

“Fine I will come with you, lead the way”

“We have no food left, I need to go buy some.”

Damien's nails are slightly elongated, ready to stab this annoying woman in the neck. How can a human talk back to a Noble Vampire? This lowly blood slave could die for all he cares… ‘If it wasn’t for the death flags I would murder you here and now!’

Damien got control over his body with great effort and calmed down. There is a good reason Vampires are feared, they are blood-sucking crazy psychopaths.

“I needed to visit the university library anyways before school starts on Monday. You can get lunch from a food stall on campus.”

Damien was about to leave the room when he noticed his gloves laid neatly on the table in the room and had a genius idea. He hates touching things and needs to practice Psychokinesis. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Damien put his hands in the pockets of his wine-colored chinos. He then willed the two white gloves in front of his face. It took a bit more concentration to manipulate two objects at once but he quickly got used to it.

‘Why not just use gloves with Psychokinesis as my hands? That way I don’t have to touch anything!’

Fay seemed surprised at the sight. Psychokinesis was one of the hardest schools of magic so seeing this level of manipulation was rather surprising. But she hid her surprise and just stood quietly in the corner. Plotting something…

Damien spent a few more minutes practicing and managed to make the gloves open and close in a fist. He couldn’t quite manipulate each individual finger yet but he felt with some more practice he would get the hang of it.

“Lead me to the study”

Fay nodded and walked down the room's corridor. Since Damien moved in he had converted the guest room into a study. Since he was so lazy he preferred to look over work while lying in bed.

In the guest room which was opposite the master bedroom, which he had been in earlier today, there was a queen-sized bed which Damien would have to lie at an angle in, otherwise, his feet would go off the end.

Luckily that was no issue since he usually sat upright while in this bed. A desk was placed across the bed so he could sit up with the assistance of a pillow mountain and then study the documents on the desk.

Damien didn’t even need to enter the room fully. He sent his two glove hands out with Psychokinesis, one opened a drawer next to the desk and the other grabbed a handful of coins.

Damien knew this was the money Fay used to buy the silver-coated dagger. The old Damien had left this money in an unlocked drawer since he considered it a small amount of money and knew that only Fay had the location.

Never in the old Damien’s wildest dreams did he suspect his blood slave had broken control of his blood magic and stolen this money to purchase a silver-coated dagger to murder him.

Damien used his gloved hand to grab the coins. He would have used Psychokinesis to collect the coins but controlling two gloved hands was already his limit at the moment. Damien watched Fay’s reaction but to his surprise, she showed no reaction to him taking away the money. He expected to see despair but she seemed calm.

Using Telepathy he couldn't read any surface thoughts, as if she thought nothing of it. Does she have money hidden somewhere else and therefore doesn't care that I use this money? Or is my [Telepathy] level too low and she's too good at acting? Something to be investigated…

With the money now secured to pay for lunch and some other necessities while they were in town, it was time to leave.

“Alright follow me closely Fay, if you try anything funny…”

“I will kill you.”


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