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This is the Twenty-Third month of this Patreon! >:3c It's the food vore month! Thank you so much for your support in my ability to make my yearly mashed potatoes, gravity, and [insert veggie or meat here] bun sandwich! 🐯🍩🎉

TDLR = A whole 6 holidays! uhh. Vote AND direct action!!! We didn't re-hire a fascist. Streaming SFW Art?

This Month's Holidays

- Roovemeber: Kanagroo Times
- Rhinovember: Pointy top nose Times
- Dinovember: Dinosaur Times
- Gnollvember: Gnoll Times
- Thanksgiving: The time where we eat lots of food and hope our family doesn't say something awful while thinking they did a good action
- No Nut November: If you already nut'd it just means you did speed run :3

If you know of any furry holidays :3 let me know! ;3; There's so many for November but I found many this time


NoShaveNovemeber: Don't shave is an option you can take

World-wide Post-Staycations Update

Location: USA
Status: Healthy but ...

I'll update this after the voting times. Also Patreon Currency Times (It's now the after times)

My joke response to the USA Presidential election

In serious terms, the USA is having a bad time but it's a little better now. It's not as much doom and gloom. Might even be a wake up call for a some people hopefully.

We literally had a person who needlessly let ~240k+ people die and was so corrupt they had an impeachment for ONE of the things they did VS a dumbass, which let's remember lead to Trump being seen as a good option after 8 years of rule by said dumbass, but they are at least competent... And the voting amounts are concerning to say the least. There's a lot of work ahead that the USA will have to do. We already knew this but now we're more aware of just how bad it is.

Things will change though if we put our minds to it though... speaking of changes...

There's a lot of different IRL stuff going on right now in my life. Some of that has affect my art output which is not great. I've talked about this before to a limited capacity but my current plan is:
- A lot of people support my Patreon for the work I do, not just to get rewards. I made this Patreon for that general support. I still haven't full processed that so many people support my work in this way, but I need to. So I'll be completing very specific work so that I can reorganize how I'm working to complete the goals I've wanted to complete here.  So my regular output will be a bit off for now but that will ultimately make for better output in the future rather than it's just being on and off ok.  
- There's a lot of support on my highest tier. This is awesome, but it also leads to rewards being slow. One of these rewards is the one time thank you note. A note that originally was planned to take my a short amount of time... uh... but doesn't. So in 2021, I'll be switching the style of note I do. Still will come with a personal message, still will come with a smol draw nwn. But that drawing is going to be much sketchier and cuter than I am currently doing so that I can focus that time on other stuff. Just as a heads up, if you want a pre-2021 ty note, the time is now.

- I will be streaming asset creation more on twitch if you're interested in that. It'll be for my SFW projects. If I actually get those assets done and stop being a flippy dippy wishy washy tycoon, a lot of new content can be created which I think would be enjoyable.

This week has another big irl event going on so once my part in that is done, going down the list of work will happen. Technically I've already started on it and am working on it as you read this but still, we're gonna act like the personal plan officially starts next week.

Also, I still don't have much info about the currency Patreon update. I saw some changes on my end but nothing meaningful to report. So, hopefully the update helped anyone who wanted to use their local currency.

I'm doing more fine now. Stress and being worried is a thing but at least one of the stressers has dropped off to some capacity. >_> Biden may have won but uh... the rumbling about how well people are taking it is uh... also concerning.


It's the main voting day in the USA. Don't vote for the fascist. Such a vote harms my ability to do my work. Thanks!

Your vote matters but doing action after the vote matters more! Don't forget that. 

Also don't forget that we my not know the results of the president for a few weeks. If people think that the election should be done on Tuesday we're gonna have a bad time so let people know! Counting Takes Time!

We did it, we got the mediocre man in. Georgia is gonna have a time now. 2020 elections never end yay...
Btw, if you live in Georgia, make the senate 50/50. Otherwise NOTHING will get done, again.


I finished my game series and my work area is...different, I won't be starting a serious game yet, so I'll be more likely to stream SFW artwork :3

If you're into that, you can find my twitch at Purekoor.com  


- I got to try out a Oculus Quest 2 so that was neat! Index is better but the Quest 2 is honestly really good, the only real downside of the Quest 2 is Facebook itself lol. Remove the facebook and it'd be recommendable.
- Merry Christmas Time is now
- You heard me
- Please use your mask, social distance, and what not. The USA is having a spike and we don't want nor need to lose more people needlessly
- I really like this roar gif I made. It brings joy

Thanks again for the support. Stay Healthy.
Have a great month if you can. Ya!



Gnollvember 💙


Also, No shave is this month too right? Wouldn't mind seeing some shaggy beasties~

Bursik Badger

Personally, I'm enjoying Non-stop Nut Dinovember