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TLDR: Original Koor was a wolf because that was easier to reference but this resulted in me being unhappy with my sona

Here is one of the attempts I made to change my sona when I had more drawing skills. Bear, Horse/deer, Dragon, Kangaroo/Raccoon is normally the response I gave for what I wanted my actual sona to be. This was my attempt at making a Kangaroo Koor which funny enough still landed around colors Blue, Red, and black. My favorite colors are Deep ocean blue and golden orange, so those colors generally get used or colors around them get used when I attempt to mae my sona.

As you can tell. I was not happy with the kangaroo. Even with better drawing skills to figure out the smaller parts I wanted, such as a color pallet I connected with, I don't think I would have ever been happy being a kangaroo. I think it's one of the reasons why the birthday is off. I still had a lot of internal conflict of what a sona should even be and how that sona would relate to me! Who I was to myself IRL was a mystery and a lot of experiences hindered me from thinking about myself in a broader way.

I'll explain current koor's design in the far future which will make more sense as to why all my new sona attempts failed pretty hard. Current Koor took a lot of work to make and looking back on it only came about because I figured out parts of myself that I wanted my sona to have. Some I discovered by accident! There's a record of other attempts on my hard drive that I'll release over time.

I should probably make current koor into a Kangaroo for Febrooary and give him a jacket with the colors of alpha koor as a call back tbh. I may do that as a sketch!



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