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Dropbox usage starts now for the $5 tier with the $2.50 tier folder starting next month!


Wenches and Wolves (MTF wolf girl cap/story)

"In 'Wenches and Wolves,' you come across a mysterious tavern in the woods after nearly starving to death, all alone and lost.  You quickly undergo some peculiar changes when you graciously agree to repay your food debt. This ended up being too long to put into a normal caption, it's only available in separate image/textt format.  Just means more for you to read!"

$5 patrons can find 'Wenches and Wolves' in the 'Captions' subfolder of the dropbox folder I sent to all $5 patrons along with the password.


Training Toubles (MTF fox girl caption)

"You're deep in the wilderness training when you fall off a cliffside and into a strangely hot pond!  Things aren't quite as you remembered when you surface. (MTF second person)"

$2.50 patrons can find a link for both formats here!



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