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-Two new captions tomorrow
-New releases for $2.50 tier tomorrow


Adjustment Period (part 1) (MTF anthro TF short story)

"Part 1 of a two part short story! This story takes place as a series of journal entries chronicling Samuel's journey as he slowly transforms into 'she' and adjusts to her new life! Will involve anthro TF and part 2 will complete the story"

$5 patrons can read in the ($5 tier >> short stories) dropbox folder!


Lewdly Lupine (MTF wolf girl caption)

"After getting bitten by a strange wolf, you undergo peculiar changes under the full moon. Can you resist the strange urges that assail you?"

$5 patrons can read in the ($5 tier >> captions) dropbox folder! Only text/image format now with the caption format dropping tomorrow.




No. No you cannot resist.

Rat matt

It would be cool to see transience in more stores and caps. ;)