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Hey friends!

I hope you are having a great day, because today I will bring you a new update!

There is also a massive issue with Unity that I will talk about a bit below, but for now, let’s get to the new stuff!


Yay, it’s finally here! Now you can start a threesome via either using an ability, triggering via a passive, or starting it from the standing position. Threesomes will attempt to keep the same type of base position. So for example if you are in a handjob position and you use a threesome ability, the game will attempt to go into a threesome with the handjob tag, if there is none available for the gender-roles combinations then it will go to a different type. Threesomes work similar to Signature moves; they are harder to escape, and while Signature move gives domination and causes a bit of extra Pleasure at the end of the turn, threesomes increase all Pleasure taken by 20%.

In order for threesomes to work you now have to select an assist (both for you and your opponent in versus).

In arcade mode enemies will have their assistant be of the same gender as they are.


I added a new feature that allows you to take a picture in the middle of the match, just pause and you can get an awesome picture in your screenshots folder!

New music!

I added new music to the game, and also added a small system to swap the current music that is being played!

New Stage!

I added a new stage: The red room!

New Character: Lorelei!

One of the player favorite characters is back: Lorelei, the acrobat!

She comes with two new sex positions: Trap footjob 2 and Deep cowgirl!

New animations!

I completely remade and updated the Ground kiss animations (20), and added two positions (announced above) and one new threesome position: Facesitting footjob!

I also reimported and slightly fixed some issues in all the threesome positions in Solas City heroes, so the game now has 15 different threesome positions!

Character folder location change!


I changed the location on where the characters are stored for the convenience of the patrons. Starting on this update the characters will be stored in

c\users\ your user name\appdata\locallow\skyflarestudios\Kinky fight club 2\characters

And you won’t need to move your characters into each new build of the game that I made, however you will need to move your characters to that folder on this occasion!

I also added a button to open this location, but it decided to not work on the built version (while working perfectly on the editor), I tried to fix this by rebuilding the game 4 times already to no avail, so yeah it stays like that for now…


When copying the characters you made to the new characters folder, please pay attention and do not copy the images of the base characters (Maia, Max, Natalie, Lucy, etc).
If you do that none of the caracters will load due to an error in unity parsing objects with repeated names.


As always I fixed as much as I could, including some bugs in arcade, and some abilities not working as intended.

And that’s all for this update!

It took me more than I expected to re-add al the threesomes, but here they are, finally!

Almost all the core content is in the game, yay!

Now, I have some news…

Unity decided to execute a plan to over monetize the engine for those who found some success, and it’s a really awful practice. This combined with all the bullshit they've been doing and saying over the last years caused me to get tired of supporting unity. And while I am too invested in this current project to just restart it, I will be switching to unreal engine 5 for my next game.

The bad news is that this move will screw me massively. I've been building a huge library of systems on unity that now I will have to rebuild from scratch (since unreal uses a whole lot of different stuff, even a different programming language). So I expect that making this change will cost me at least 6 to 9 months of work, just to get back to the point where I am today (on unity). And this is not taking into account the time to learn the engine (granted I learned much harder stuff so this shouldn’t be a major issue, but all in all, it is a time sink).

So yeah, the next months look grim. I hate having to re-do work, and now I will have to re-do everything!

The pros of this is that the Unreal engine is much better for bigger games, and specially for 3d games. Let’s be real everything looks better in unreal, it doesn’t matter how hard I try, how much I tweak the lighting and postprocessing, stuff in Unreal just looks better. So the future games will benefit from that and from working on an engine that is actually adding new features and improving!

So yeah, very long post already, Links are on the post below!

Download links for Kinky Fight Club 2!

As always I wanna thank all of you who support me and my team. We wouldn’t be able to do this without your support, so thank you!!!

I hope you really enjoy this update!

If you happen to find any bug or issue, let me know and I will fix it as soon as I can!

Have a great weekend friends!


Changelog below!

Changelog KYFC - 0.4

  • Fixed a scaling issue in the numbers of the cooldown display
  • Added threesomes to the game! You can start a threesome as one of the standing abilities, using one of your character’s grapple abilities or even from passives.
  • Added a codex entry for threesomes.
  • Added a new ability: Threesome counter. It’s like counter, but into a threesome
  • Added a new ability: Ultimate aid. It’s like counter but can be used in emergencies, cost less focus but has a way longer cooldown and doesn’t get you the sex starter buff
  • Added a new passive: Push the advantage: Using reversal will lead into a threesome
  • Added a new passive: Active assistant: Using counter-type abilities will turn them into threesomes and restore energy!
  • Added a new feature: You can now take a picture in the middle of a match! (in pause)
  • Added 5 new themes for the players to enjoy while sexfighting!
  • Added a new feature: Music change! You can now change between the various songs in the game!
  • Added a new Stage: The red room!
  • Added a new returning character: Lorelei, the acrobat!
  • Commit base energy cost reduced to 30
  • Increased Struggle base chance to remove restraints to 20%.
  • Fixed an issue with arcade that could cause the player to climb higher than intended
  • Fixed an issue that could get the AI stuck.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the AI to attempt to use dispells when not needed
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the AI to cheat, spending 5 less energy to commit!
  • Improved the AI to be slightly smarter when taking some decisions
  • Fixed an issue with some Abilities SFX not working properly
  • Added a new original foreplay position: Trap footjob 2. This position includes FF and MM variants!
  • Added a new original sex position: Deep cowgirl!
  • Updated (remade) the ground kiss foreplay animation, now it is a lot more spicy!
  • Added a new original threesome position: Facesitting footjob. This is the last of the facesitting threesome positions and the one that was missing!
  • Fixed an issue with facesitting 1 sometimes ignoring the perform/command part
  • Fixed an issue with Exploit weakness attempt to lustful the user
  • Fixed an issue with dick vibrators not being put properly after continuing a match in arcade
  • Moved the Character saves from the game folder to the user folder, so players don’t have to manually move characters from update to update
  • Added an open characters folder button to the roster
  • Increased maximum zoom
  • Improved stage selection screen


Jimmy Nutrin

kinda crazy how a lot of the other creators i follow/am a patron of are all talking about that unity unfunny business. spread like wildfire. one thinks its going to get so much backlash and do so poorly that they will end up walking it back. for you i hope that happens! the silver lining of unreal looking better(it very much does) is still a bit tantalizing :)


Im having trouble finding character storage on windows. Anybody know or help a non techie ogre?


I don’t even have an appdata folder


That worked! Thank you guys

James Jones

Yeah that whole Unity debacle is ridiculous, however, I believe in you, so I know you'll handle that transition like a champ. I did have a question, with that all being said, what are the chances of Real Time Combat making it into this game, is that still a feasible thing? I only ask because that's the one big addition I'm waiting for.


Mr Zed, please help me. Out of nowhere the characters not appear to me anymore, so I can't play it all. I already had more than 10 characters. The same happens to the Gameplay tab on Preferences, it is all dark. What would I do?