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Hello friends!

I hope you are having a great day!

A bit earlier than usual, but I wanted to get the demo out soon this month, since last month it was so late. So, without much more bla bla let's get to the new stuff!

What 's new?

Arcade mode - Towers challenge

Added the classic tower challenge mode. But this one is way better than the ones in the previous game!

For starters, you can start a challenge tower, and then continue it later or some other day, you don’t have to finish it right away. You can also now choose the gender of the opponents, or if the tower will allow only base characters, only custom characters, or all characters!

The new arcade mode includes also a Hardcore toggle, that can be activated before starting the challenge: When it is active our character will only recover 25% of the pleasure between matches (rather than start at 0%).

I will add a gameover-esque thingy later on, I didn’t have enough time to do it right now.

Keep Going

One of the fan favorite modes, now added and improved from its version on the first game. For those who don’t know it, after the match has ended, you can select to keep going, and the characters will… keep going at it!

A list with the sex positions of the winner will be used so players can change to the positions they want, and they can adjust speed, domination and select when they want the characters to cum!

New Character

Our beloved Alessa joins the club once again!

While retaining her Wildcat nickname she really trained in wrestling and is now a formidable foe to meet at the octagon!

New sex positions

Two new completely original sex positions have been added to the game:

Kneeling Titjob III and Breastsmother cowgirl. These animations are set mostly for F/M and M/F interactions, and are the key new positions of Alessa.

I imported the remaining 14 missing sex positions from the last game to this one!

And lastly, I also completely remade from scratch the old “kissing” foreplay positions, now with 5 stages!

Abilities adjustment

A lot of the abilities have been buffed, nerfed or slightly changed. All on to make everything more balanced.

I also added the basic Stand-up abilities. For now only 3 of these are active, others will be enabled once they are done.

The three basic abilities are Anticipation, Preparation and Taunt.

Initiative update

In the previous version initiative was static, so once it was calculated at the start of the game the same character would always go first. Now the initiative will vary from round to round. It rolls a dice, and based on each character initiative stat it will get a bonus. The bigger the difference between them the more likely that one will go before the other, but it shouldn’t be a 100% of the time thing anymore.

UI Improvements

Following feedback, I darkened the buttons, made the text easier to read and added numeric values to the bars for both players. All in all, information is more easily conveyed now!

Hide tooltips

I added the option to hide the action description tooltip, or both the action description tooltip and the domination bar when pressing the H key.

Buff tooltips

I added a small tooltip that will pop up and display a bit of information when you hover the mouse over a buff!


I fixed most of the reported bugs, including many of the AI not using some abilities, or over resting, and the strap-on situation and more…

And some more small things, as usual you can find the full changelog below

I don’t have much to say today, last week some bad stuff happened, so I’m just pulling through. I hope you guys and gals enjoy the update and have fun. As always you can find me on discord or you can post there any feedback you have about the game

I wanna thank all of you who support us and make possible that we make this game. Without your support we wouldnt be able to work, so thank ou!

Here is the link to the downloads 

Have a good day friends


PS: Free demo is coming tomorrow if everything works alright!

Changelog Kinky Fight Club 0.2

  • Fixed an issue in the main menu not loading some music properly
  • Most buff abilities with a 3 turn duration now last 5 turns.
  • Commit energy cost increased by 10.
  • Commit Ecstasy (Ero power) scaling increased by 75%. (Now it scales better the higher Ero power a character has, so submissive characters can fight back while they have Ero power buffs and are dominated)
  • Reduced Lustfull trigger chance at all levels by 10%
  • Unstoppable force duration increased to 7 turns.
  • Steady advance focus cost increased to 15.
  • Synchronize focus cost reduced to 35
  • Submissive approach focus cost reduced to 20
  • Dominator approach focus cost reduced to 30
  • Terminate Pleasure damage increased by 16%
  • Commit base damage reduced by 13%
  • Wet effect now triggers at 40% Pleasure
  • Foreplay and sex positions now have the same efficiency to deal pleasure when at 80% or more pleasure. This is so players can use whatever they want to defeat their enemies and not just focus on sex positions.
  • Added numeric indicators for Pleasure, Focus and Energy for the player
  • Added the 14 missing sex positions from the previous game to this one.
  • Added a pop-up tooltip for buffs (currently only works on mouse over)
  • initiative now works similar to other systems, taking into account the difference between characters, and a small random number, allowing a certain random element on initiative order.
  • Darkened the background for buttons in play game, and the text no longer has any transparency
  • Added Keep Going! This feature allows players to select to keep enjoying the fun after a match ends!
  • Characters now generate 1 Focus at the end of each turn if they are not in a grapple
  • Fixed an issue with some effects triggering while out of grapples when they should only trigger while in a grapple.
  • Fixed an issue with strap-ons showing when they shouldn’t
  • Reduced the effectiveness of the escape action. Now it can grant up to 70% Escape progress in a single use (previously it was 100% at 70 energy)
  • Added a new original foreplay position: Kneeling Titjob 3!
  • Added a new original sex position: Breastsmother cowgirl!
  • Added a new -returning- character to the game: Alessa “The Wildcat”
  • Added Arcade challenge mode!
  • Added a new feature: You can now hide the Abilities tooltip, or both the abilities tooltip and domination hud by pressing H! (press again to un-hide)
  • Added a new basic ability: Anticipation. You can use this ability to pre-counter your opponent if you think they will start a sex interaction in this round!
  • Added a new basic ability: Preparation. You can use this ability to reduce all your active cooldowns
  • Added a new basic ability: Taunt. You can use this ability to put a negative buff on your opponent before starting a sex interaction!
  • If you cast a buff and you already have it, it’s duration will be reset to the maximum!
  • Improved AI: The AI is less likely to use the Rest action in most difficulties, except in beginner.
  • Reversal energy cost reduced to 80.
  • Fixed Steady Progress not working for the AI
  • Fixed Sensual takeover not working for the AI
  • Fixed Panther strike not working for the AI
  • Fixed an issue with Reversal not consuming energy for the AI
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the AI from casting buffs
  • Fixed an issue with some animations not playing properly
  • Fixed an issue that caused Alias to get deleted when editing a character
  • Fixed an issue with the Tight squeeze and Terminate abilities not working as intended
  • Improved the camera vertical look angles
  • Fixed an issue with mismatched textures on the male parkas
  • Fixed an issue with mismatched textures on the male waist high pantyhose
  • Reduced clipping on male belts
  • Completely remade and updated the kissing animation, now it has 5 stages and looks much better!
  • Threshold for cum together increased from 90% to 95% to prevent getting too many draws.
  • Slightly improved lighting in the game



Is there a way to export characters created in the previous version to this one?


I have problem the game stuck on one position and i can't do nothing

N8 Dog38

Bro, sorry to hear about the bad stuff happening. Hopefully things get better. In the meantime, we absolutely appreciate all the hard work you've put in. And definitely looking forward to giving this version a try!


thank you, amazing update!


Looking forward to bondage stuff adding