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Hello everyone!
After some traveling im already in my family's home!
Long story short, after talking with a friend, and reviewing some 3d work, and some other stuff, that's not super important right now, i got an idea, and here are the results, i dont wanna influence/condition your answer in any way, so what i need here from you is to just vote which one you like the most:

What we are voting here is the Head Size. I put below two images of some characters i made in the Character Creator, just for the sake of this experiment.

From far away its not easy to discern the difference (i realized as i uploaded this), but if you open big the imagen you may see that there is some difference.

So, the question here is:
Which head size you like more? Option 1? Option 2? or Option 3?

This may (or may not) influence the future size of the heads in the game, as it is not hard to modify that small thing in particular. (and it doesnt modify anything else).

This is mostly for research, if it is not applied to this game it will surely be applied to the next one!

Your feedback is super appretiatted!

And that's all for today, i wanna thank all of you for supporting my work (and dream!). and i hope you have a wonderful holidays!


This poll will be open for one month, for Science!

PD: Within the next months i will start doing more Research polls, mainly to collect data for the next game (and if possible to improve the actual one!)
PD2: As this poll is for research, it won't get any of the Patron Tier's extra vote count, in fact, this poll is public!



Well, to me the smallest looks most realistic so ✌🏻

rodney king

definitely like more realistic models - although the current ones are great - it reminds me of the WII characters

Random Guy

In the first image I like the right one the most, but mostly because the face appears smaller. In the second image I can hardly see a difference between the middle and right one, but those two look the best, against mostly because they face appears to be smaller.


Im loving your name! Thanks for the feedback, the difference is not very big (its a 10% between each one).