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[Poll] Factions and enemies!

  • Tier 1 - Flamewalkers 12
  • Tier 1 - Prison forces 142
  • Tier 1 - Nazuban 66
  • Tier 1 - Desire enclave 83
  • Tier 2 - Technomancers 48
  • Tier 2 - The Aelend 26
  • Tier 2 - Ravenwood coven 65
  • Tier 2 - Bunnies 121
  • Tier 3 - Vael Atar 35
  • Tier 3 - Lab forces 99
  • Tier 3 - Aelend Highborne 29
  • Tier 3 - Succubus 140
  • 2024-08-20
  • —2024-09-30
  • 866 votes
{'title': '[Poll] Factions and enemies!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Tier 1 - Flamewalkers', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Tier 1 - Prison forces', 'votes': 142}, {'text': 'Tier 1 - Nazuban', 'votes': 66}, {'text': 'Tier 1 - Desire enclave', 'votes': 83}, {'text': 'Tier 2 - Technomancers', 'votes': 48}, {'text': 'Tier 2 - The Aelend', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Tier 2 - Ravenwood coven', 'votes': 65}, {'text': 'Tier 2 - Bunnies', 'votes': 121}, {'text': 'Tier 3 - Vael Atar', 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'Tier 3 - Lab forces', 'votes': 99}, {'text': 'Tier 3 - Aelend Highborne', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'Tier 3 - Succubus', 'votes': 140}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 30, 11, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 20, 11, 8, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 866}


Hey friends!

 I hope you are having a wonderful Day!

Today I wanted to make a poll about which of the factions you are more interested in seeing in the game.

The purpose of this poll is to determine which of these factions I should do first. During the first two months I will be working with the two Tier 0 factions: The Onyx servants and the Corsairs. 

But once these two are made, the players would be able to go to any of the Tier 1 areas, and as such I’m interested in knowing which factions you are more interested in so I can focus on making those first (and I can try to make the ones you are less interested in more interesting).

Once the game is complete players will be able to go to areas of the same tier in any order, however during development, I will be doing one faction per month (or every two months for the first few months that are more feature-development heavy)

The factions are divided on 5 tiers. The first enemies you will see are part of the tier 0 and aren't on this poll, however once you clear the starting area, you will gain access to any of the tier 1 áreas (and then tier 2 once tier 1 is cleared, and so on)

However during development I can't do it all at once, so I will prioritize them based on this poll.

Each faction has both combat and ero mechanics attached to them, as well as a style for their sex positions, so this will allow me to organize the whole development pipeline. For example if you are interested in the Prison forces for Tier 1 then I will focus more on completing all the bondage-related features. For Tier 3 all features should be in the game already, so it is mostly their flavor, rather than a focus-on-mechanics-development.

Please vote on the ones that sound the most interesting for you, and at least on one per tier (you can vote more than one if you want)


Tier 1 


A group of pyromancers and sorcerers who focus on learning the secrets of the flame. They both serve and fear Talara.

Sex type: none, they don't associate with any specific type of positions. 

Mechanic: combat. Out of all the tier 1 factions this one is focused on combat.

Clothing: Orange and red tunics and clothing.

Prison forces

Before Talara took over the island there was a prison, and now both prisoners and corrupt guards rule the place.

Sex type: brutish / dominant. Tends to focus more on brute/villain type of positions.

Mechanic: bondage. Some of the officers will focus on restraining all the dissidents. 

Clothing: Teal and white clothing, and office-style clothing.


Coming from the east, the nazuban are a clan of assassins, ninjas and samurais

Sex type: athletic. Tends to focus on positions like headscissors, wrestling, splits and other agile positions

Mechanic: poison, bondage. Some enemies will attempt to poison you and then perform combos. Some may try to tie you up (less often than prison officers)

Clothing: Violet, while and purple assassin, ninja and samurai clothing.

Desire enclave

A group of celebrities and party addicts who love to seduce their way to victory.

Sex type: service. Tends to focus on serving others and performing all kinds of erotic acts.

Mechanic: seduction and debuffs. They will use various techniques to weaken you and make you fall on their net of pleasure.

Clothing: Pink and black shiny clothing, and lingerie.

Tier 2 


Scientists, engineers and vikings who grouped together to capture lightning on a bottle. 

Sex type: brutish / dominant 

Mechanic: lightning damage and stuns

Clothing: Blue and black, mech and viking style clothing

The Aelend

Forest elves that practice druidism and other nature magic.

Sex type: service and athletic. Some will want to serve you, some will show you their superior agility…

Mechanic: corrosive damage and healing. They will heal a lot if you dont interrupt their spells! 

Clothing: Green and brown adventurer style clothing

Ravenwood coven

A coven of dark magic users gathering on the estate of a vampire family, what could go wrong?

Sex type: kinky. Not following any general type of positions, but lots of spanking.

Mechanic: shadow damage and hex. Hex will weaken you. 

Clothing: Dark and violet dresses and sorcerers atires


A group of bunny girls without a clear objective and a love for explosions 

Sex type: service and wrestling. Some of them are eager to service you, some want to make you submit

Mechanic: raw damage. Big hammers and explosions. 

Clothing: Several types of bunny suits

Tier 3

Vael atar

Southern elves who focus on learning the way of the fist and blade

Sex type: wrestling and athletics.

Mechanic: counterattacks and grapples.

Clothing: Red and black latex suits

Lab forces

A secret laboratory hides a dark secret with crazed scientist

Sex type: dominant and service (however they aren't the ones servicing…)

Mechanic: bondage, stun, and a secret one. 

Clothing: White and blue tight suits

Aelend highborne

Elf nobility that focuses on learning arcane magic.

Sex type: kinky. 

Mechanic: they wear all kinds of offensive magic.

Clothing: Refined style clothing


A group of succubus, loyal to Talara and willing to break their opponents will

Sex type: sensual. Both servicing and performing romantic-ish sensual positions

Mechanic: seduction. Debuffs.

Clothing: Violet and dark sensual clothing

And that 's it!

You may notice that some of the tags and mechanics repeat between tiers, and that is on purpose. With 150-170 twosome positions, and around 110 enemies, each with 5 different sex positions, we have enough content so that every position will be on at least three enemies, and at least once per tier!!

You may notice that for those in tier 3 I haven't gone deep in descriptions of mechanics and that is to avoid spoilers, but in general tier 3 factions will have mechanics of one tier 1 and tier 2 factions that came before. An example is the succubus, having the seduction powers of the Desire enclave and the debuffs of the Ravenwood coven. 

And lastly

There will be Tier 4 factions, but those are for endgame and/or DLC/expansions, but I won't talk about them for a while!

Sorry for the long post!

And as usual I'm open to ideas and suggestions!

I will be back with some more news soon!

Have a great Day friends!




The description of the factions has actually gotten me more excited for the game than any other info so far!

Yuni Hermit

I love wrestling stuff~ I love bondage, and I'm curious what Kinky means... <3