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[Poll] Another poll!

  • They are too short! 14
  • They are fine! 123
  • They are too long! 30
  • I haven't played the best adult Beat em up! 11
  • 2024-04-13
  • —2024-05-12
  • 178 votes
{'title': '[Poll] Another poll! ', 'choices': [{'text': 'They are too short!', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'They are fine!', 'votes': 123}, {'text': 'They are too long!', 'votes': 30}, {'text': "I haven't played the best adult Beat em up!", 'votes': 11}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 12, 17, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 13, 17, 30, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 178}


Hey friends!

I hope you are having a wonderful day.

Today I'm planning on the future rewriting of the story for Kinky Fight club and I realized that I haven't asked you guys and gals about the length of dialogues.

Particularly I want to ask about the length of the dialogues on Solas City Heroes. So please tell me your toughts about it!

Option 1: They are too short

Option 2: They are perfect, not too short, not too long!

Option 3: They are too long!

Option 4: I haven't played Solas City Heroes

And that's it friends, It's just a small poll so I can better find out the perfect length for the dialogues on Kinky Fight Club 2.

Just i ncase, anyone here hasn't played Solas CIty Heroes, all I can say is.

What are you waiting for?

Go get it!


(And leave a review if you can, it always helps!)

That's all for today!

Have a great weekend friends!




Gotta agree with others in these comments. The question is not about length, but whether or not what is written is engaging and/or affects gameplay at all.


I agree with Puddle of Water's assessment and suggestions. I had a couple of ideas about how to make the dialogues more engaging, but I don't know how (im)possible these things would be. First, it would be cool if there was an interaction between the hero and super-villain *before* they fight it out, as well as after. This could maybe be inserted right at the beginning of the side-scrolling romp through the map. This "stage" encourages a lot of "I'm gonna' kick your @#$% all the way to (fill in the blank)!" that could be tailored to a specific villain's idiom. For instance, Dread, Mastermind, and The Bishop would all have something very different to say at that point. Recently I paused the game during a practice session my superheroine was losing against The Bishop and thought up some more fitting (but still corny) lines he could be saying, including: "Evil has a deep hold on you, and you must be cleansed of it. By my righteous power, I will force the darkness from you, body and soul. I'll make you worthy to kneel at my feet and behold the glory of the light!" Corny? Definitely. But it seemed fitting for a supervillain parading around as a religious leader in a megachurch. Second, what if there were two "settings" of dialogue, a more harmless one and a more "adult" one? For someone who's playing the game without the adult content, the dialogue as is fits pretty well. It's free of a lot of guttural, demeaning insults and politically incorrect terms that rash human beings tend to reach for when we're emotionally distraught. Solas City Heroes is a game meant to be enjoyed by everyone, so that makes sense. But for the full adult content version...not so much. Considering that the bad guys' intentions are to pound on and wear down the superheroine one knock-out at a time, slap restraints on her until she can't defend herself, and bring her to enough orgasms to put her down long enough that they can haul her back to the lair and have their way with her for the long term, the dialogue seems a little too harmless and "clean." Sure, these elements can be added in the Dialogue folder option, but that's not what you were specifically asking about.