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[Important] About Kinky Fight Club 2

  • 1- Story mode is fun, I like the free movement and the mansion 124
  • 1- I would prefer story mode to have menus instead of roaming around 199
  • 2- I would prefer story mode to keep as it is, with free roam 74
  • 2- I would prefer story mode to have menus instead of roaming around 146
  • 3- I like the way the story is currently 62
  • 3- I feel the story is too shallow and boring, I want higher stakes and less characters. 25
  • 3- I feel the story is not being told in an interesting manner, I have no clue or interest in any character 164
  • 3- I don’t like the story much, but I don’t know why. 18
  • 4- I think the gameplay is fun currently 240
  • 4- I think all the actions go too fast and I don’t know what to do and it bores me 16
  • 4- I think all the actions and stuff are too slow and it bores me 13
  • 4- I think there are too many buttons and I don’t like to think that much for an adult game 26
  • 4- I think the gameplay is fun, but some builds are too OP and easy to play (please specify) 14
  • 5- I think you are doing a decent job at multitasking so much and still provide new content 267
  • 5- I think you should call Ramsay/Chicote for help! 28
  • 2024-04-03
  • —2024-04-30
  • 1416 votes
{'title': '[Important] About Kinky Fight Club 2', 'choices': [{'text': '1- Story mode is fun, I like the free movement and the mansion', 'votes': 124}, {'text': '1- I would prefer story mode to have menus instead of roaming around', 'votes': 199}, {'text': '2- I would prefer story mode to keep as it is, with free roam', 'votes': 74}, {'text': '2- I would prefer story mode to have menus instead of roaming around', 'votes': 146}, {'text': '3- I like the way the story is currently', 'votes': 62}, {'text': '3- I feel the story is too shallow and boring, I want higher stakes and less characters.', 'votes': 25}, {'text': '3- I feel the story is not being told in an interesting manner, I have no clue or interest in any character', 'votes': 164}, {'text': '3- I don’t like the story much, but I don’t know why.', 'votes': 18}, {'text': '4- I think the gameplay is fun currently', 'votes': 240}, {'text': '4- I think all the actions go too fast and I don’t know what to do and it bores me', 'votes': 16}, {'text': '4- I think all the actions and stuff are too slow and it bores me', 'votes': 13}, {'text': '4- I think there are too many buttons and I don’t like to think that much for an adult game', 'votes': 26}, {'text': '4- I think the gameplay is fun, but some builds are too OP and easy to play (please specify)', 'votes': 14}, {'text': '5- I think you are doing a decent job at multitasking so much and still provide new content', 'votes': 267}, {'text': '5- I think you should call Ramsay/Chicote for help!', 'votes': 28}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 30, 20, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 3, 20, 21, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1416}


Hey friends

I hope you are having a good day.

Today I come with an important topic that I want to discuss.

Over the last months, Kinky Fight club 2 is not doing very well, and I feel that I’m failing, both as a team leader, and as a game developer, since less people supporting the project means that there is less interest in the game. 

I’m not exactly super hyped about kinky fight club 2 honestly, ever since Unity pulled the last anti-user trick and pushed me out of it, it basically killed my interest on unity projects, (while also killing the project that I was working on for almost a year secretly). And the fact that the game is doing poorly doesn’t help at all. 

Today I got a message from one of you guys that really made me think about it. And I’m thankful for that, so here in this post I want you to give me all the feedback you can, tell me what you like of the game, but most importantly tell me what you don’t, what you think makes it less interesting or fun. I want to make a game that is super fun and sexy for everyone, not just me, and I feel like lately I've been working on so much stuff at the same time that I just been on “autopilot” when working on Kinky Fight club 2.

So here I have some questions on the poll, that I would like for you to answer honestly. I won’t get offended or hurt, sometimes I have good ideas, sometimes I have bad ideas, sometimes I implement things good and sometimes I fuck up, and I want to know when I do either of those!

So without further discussion please vote on the next things

Story mode is fun, I like the free movement and the mansion

Story mode is not fun, the mansion is too big and it bores me.

So this is a special topic, because I fired the level designer over this. The mansion is twice the size that I asked him to do it, and that is after I spent my time shrinking it as much as I could. (This was the last straw, not the whole thing, but it was a clusterfuck). So I know the mansion is big, I just don’t really know how to fix it without wasting an insane amount of time. 

An idea I got is to remove the free roam completely, and instead use menus, similar to Solas City Heroes, where you would have the menu to customize, to play matches, to talk with people, etc.

So please also vote on one of those ideas

I would prefer story mode to keep as it is, with free roam

I would prefer story mode to have menus instead of roaming around

On another different topic about the story, I've been trying to make the story mode interesting by explaining things and making the other contestants feel alive and friendly (or unfriendly) to the player.

Are you guys and gals enjoying the story, as in, the writing, and the way the story is portrayed?

There is no huge deep story, just a bunch of people living together and sexfighting.

I like the way the story is currently

I feel the story is too shallow and boring, I want higher stakes and less characters.

I feel the story is not being told in an interesting manner, I have no clue or interest in any character

I don’t like the story much, but I don’t know why.

Another topic I want to ask is, how do you feel about the gameplay?

I think the gameplay is fun currently

I think all the actions go too fast and I don’t know what to do and it bores me

I think all the actions and stuff are too slow and it bores me

I think there are too many buttons and I don’t like to think that much for an adult game

I think the gameplay is fun, but some builds are too OP and easy to play (please specify)

I want the gameplay to be as fun as possible, so yeah, hit me up with all the feedback, the good, the bad, and the ugly!

I’m also planning on making a graphical update. I made new characters and a bunch of new clothing (for male characters, since the body shape changed), which I was saving for Deviance, but at this point, I don’t think it is worth, mostly for two reasons, I think if I add them Kinky Fight Club 2 will look better, and sell better, which means I will be able to grow the studio and make better games, but also it doesn’t matter what I do on Kinky Fight Club 2, Deviance will always look better, just because that game is being made on unreal. 

I of course won’t be able to do this this month, but maybe for May. Let’s hope that this revives both my and your interest on the game, as I don’t like dropping projects, but I really need some hype to keep working on this and not end up hating the project (like it happened with Dungeon coup, that’s the reason I never updated it anymore)

So, this is a long post, and I just went all-in with my sincerity. I’m a human I can fuck up sometimes, let’s hope it’s not too late and I can make Kinky Fight Club 2 better!

I been watching hell's kitchen lately with my girlfiend, and I feel like I'm two steps away from needing someone like Chicote (spanish version) or Gordon Ramsay to help me keep this game up...

Have a great week friends!




solas love the action... but for kfc2, i would prefer menus instead of free roam (i love free roam/the action in solas but in kfc2,the map is too big and doesnt feel like theres much to do or any meaning to travel all over for the objectives). Also the characters rn i cant really get attached to them/i dont feel the attraction towards them.. or being amped to fight person x or y (or seduced to try to "find out what happens" if i accept said fight for example). gameplay is fun and i have no complaints there... it just needs that wwe story to amp ppl up lol

Michael McCain

I am enjoying the game alot, I personally feel the camera irritates me at times but I can work with that. One big thing I want to say is I have been a fan since KFC 1, and its still my favorite but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate the changes you make. I kinda hate to vote on polls where the creator may think wow people aren’t enjoying it, so I want you to know you are doing good and can’t wait to see what you come up with