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Took a HUGE step towards the future of the channel - Up to this point, I've been using Camtasia for all my video editing. But, since firefly is gonna be implemented into Premiere eventually, and I since it's the industry standard, I went ahead and made the jump today -

I have immediately noticed things I miss from Camtasia, but I'm determined to just adapt to the new software and start getting used to Premier lol - Though, I can tell of the bat that Premier is a lot stronger than Camtasia. Anyway, it's been a crazy journey trying to learn new video software after using Camtasia for ... man, how long have I been doing videos... Since 2015 so almost 8 years now?!  It almost feels like leaving a best friend or something, but regardless - I have a feeling it will open up new doors I didn't have available to make fun and entertaining videos for the community now that I have the best software under my belt.

Just wanted to share that info with you guys, the next video will be made in Premier :)




Why not DaVinci Resolve? Premiere is not that great on its own, the biggest strength is the integration with other Adobe product...Oh you're probably already subscribed to that, nevermind

VR AnimeTed

lol you jump to premiere when I'm trying again to jump to resolve well if you figure out scripting, let me know I'm currently using python in blender to randomly drop in clips from a folder. There is sort of a way to do something similar in premiere, but it's not good enough for my needs. Resolve seems to have a scripting plane though.