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Alright, so, as usual we got a lot of our work cut out for us. I'll be covering some new important software findings this month, and in the background I'll be figuring out some more advanced stuff in Unreal5. It's funny how I feel like I have learned SO much about Unreal since we started months ago, yet there's still so many basic things I still have no clue how to do - But, that was exactly how things were when I started Unity and I still to this day don't know everything about Unity lol.

Regardless, I really enjoy learning Unreal5, but until I figure out how to do some of the more pressing things that I'll need in the project, I'll be sharing some of the cool things that I've found in new software that I've found extremely useful :)

Hope you look forward to the next month, I'll see ya in the next vid-!!



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