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Hey Squad, hope each and every one of you is having an absolutely Fantastic Thanksgiving :)
Today was a pretty chill day for me, and it gave me the chance to do some planning for the rest of the month - Something I've decided is to go ahead and re-outfit the "old" weapons we used for Macrophage for our "new" Engine in Unreal5 - This will give us a decent starting point for our customization parts for all games going forward, since I plan for customization to be an important part of most projects from this point onward. The biggest problem with porting the old assets over is that they were designed completely for Anime Style shading, so all of their materials, UV's, textures, and even topology is not suitable for the photo-realistic style that we are going to have in Unreal5 :(

It's an annoying part of the job, but I've decided to go ahead and fix all the weapons by the end of this month and get it out of the way so we don't have to worry about doing it later next year. So far, I got all the back weapons revised for our new style going forward. So, far I've got the basic back and shoulder weapons completely fixed. The screenshot you see is the old style, I'll release a screenshot of the new style once they're finished being textured :)

Regardless, I just wanted to wish you all a happy holiday, and I'll see ya in the next video-!!

All the best,




Fabian Watermeier

I think I saw some videos about anime style for unreal 5. There are even specific packs like e.g. anime villages for unreal. But in the end the designer/developer decides. Textures/shaders decide a lot when it comes to the final look. Good luck with the rework.


SO excited to see you work on tweaks to your modular customization process!