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Well, today I'm still a bit sick, so I wasn't able to record any new videos - I decided to work on non-video related tasks that I've been procrastinating on, one of which was finally taking the time to redesign my hotkeys for the next year. The 3 software I use the most by far are Blender, Unreal/Maya, and ZBrush - So, I've gone ahead and made mouse hotkey profiles for each. The Blender one has more or less stayed the same for about 5 years, but I've made some minor changes, since what I usually use it for is for UV mapping.

Maya and Unreal share the same camera controls now, so I have them both in the same profile, and Zbrush is wildly different so it gets it's own profile as well. The things I use to sculpt characters have changed quite a bit, and after doing it for a few years, I know exactly what brushes/tools I enjoy using the most now -

Anyway, that's one thing off the to-do list today, hopefully my throat will be better tomorrow and I'll be able to resume recording, but in the meanwhile, hope you guys are all doing well, and have a Fantastic Day :)



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