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OK Squad, as usual - We got quite a bit of our work cut out for us at the start - Since I just recently finished Armored Core 6 100% - There's a lot of very good lessons that I think most indie devs can take away from this game, and so I'll take a few days to just leave my obligatory review of the game and note some cool things about it that I don't think most people noticed.
Immediately afterward, I'll be shifting my focus to try and get this little Unreal Test project completed as fast as possible. But, there are quite a few things I'll need to figure out before things work out. The learning curve for UE blueprints hasn't been too bad so far, but there are definitely still large chunks of certain important aspects I don't quite understand yet - I'll keep you guys posted as I learn things, but in the meanwhile, here's what the hit-list looks like for this month.

Here we go!!!



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