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Alright Squad, I've been doing a lot of planning in the background, and thanks to some really awesome help, It looks like Discord might not be too far away now - It has quite a few features I didn't know about. The most important being the ability to know who is a member of the Support Squad from both YouTube and Patreon - It also allows me to assign different amounts of "voting" power based on whether or not people are on the Support Squad or just casual visitors.

This got me thinking, about some changes I'd like to make overall to the structure of the Support Squad - A large problem I've had for a while is the fact that anytime I want to share information with you guys, I essentially have to make that same post twice. Once on Patreon, and once on YouTube. But, if everyone is on Discord, then the members on both can be in the same thread, and get the notice together there. Also, most people are much more active on Discord than they are generally on Patreon anyway, so it's probably more convenient if we handle most of the Support Squad stuff on Discord, and use Patreon & YouTube more like a gateway.

That being said, I've already gone in and added "vote multipliers" to your perks here. By default, all Patreon member's votes will count double during polls now. And, the Support Squad will probably vote on livestream topics each week, so the voting power will become quite a big thing starting next month. Anyway, just thought I'd let you guys know that things are slowly shaping up, and I'll keep you posted -

See ya in the next vid-!!




Make sure to also add the Mee6 bot. It comes with forward slash commands like /mute and /ban for admins/moderators. And you can direct it to automatically mute people temporarily for dropping slurs like an n bomb or bundle of sticks f bomb. Very useful. Edit: and a hidden channel for mods to discuss things without normal users butting in. "Hey, banned person x for reason Y"


I'll look into that, since I for sure wont have enough time to moderate everything myself - Thank you for the tips, and I will definitely have a private mods channel!