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Hey Squad - Just a quick announcement. I don't plan to make any official post about this, I just thought I'd let you guys know behind the scenes exclusively -
As you know, I've been trying to make some micro-changes to the channel step-by-step in order to slowly start molding the channel into a direction that the Algorithm starts to Favor. One of the major changes I've made recently is the length of the "Outro/Ending". Before it was about 15 seconds long of just "closing music". But, now I've shortened it to about 3.5 seconds.

The reason for this is because I've noticed that one of YouTube's primary measurements to how good a video is, is viewer retention. So the more people watch "more" of the video, the better that video looks according to YouTube. The problem was my outro song was like almost 20 seconds long, and some of the tutorials were only 30 seconds. And, the most common timestamp that people leave my videos is when I say "Ya done-". So, if my video was 40 seconds long, and the last 20 seconds was "outro", then when most people leave  at the 20 second mark, and youtube assumes the viewer retention rate for the video is only 60%, because we essentially have 20 seconds of bloat at the end.

So, now that the Outro has been reduced to about 3 or 4 seconds long. That means all the "bloat" at the end is no longer there. So, if people watch a 60 second tutorial, and they leave at the end, that means they viewer retention rate for that video is probably around 90% instead.

It's a small change, but I am hoping that this starts to help our overall numbers for viewer retention, and thus starts helping us with the Algorithm more generally - But, yeah, the endings for all the videos from now on are much shorter and that is the reason -

I got a lot more to say, but I'll save it for another time, for now, thank you so much for all the support, and I'll see ya in the next vid :)
