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Hey Squad, sorry it's been a while, I've been super busy moving in and getting a new place. I've almost got the mainstay of the important stuff sorted out. But, it's probably gonna be few more days till I have everything setup - In the meanwhile, while my office still isn't setup yet, I've been doing a lot of planning and thinking in during the down-time. Originally, I was going to make a short video series on all the features in Unreal 5. However, after really going deep into it, I've decided to only make series on what I consider to be the most important features. There are 3 main reasons for this. 1-The Algo doesn't like tutorials and probably wouldn't recommend the smaller features to new viewers, 2-When Unreal 6 comes out, it will probably invalidate the older tutorial series even faster given the new algorithms, and 3-I think some things in Unreal are MUCH more important than others.

For example, I've decided that we're not going to cover the modeling mode, and likely the painting mode. The main reason for that being I truly feel like modeling outside of a modeling software is a giant waste of time. It's much faster to build things in Blender, Maya, Zbrush and import them to Unreal, than it is to try and sculpt or model in Unreal itself.

Also, I really want to try and get to Blueprints as fast as possible since I think that's where all the cool stuff really is. I'll be focusing on character related stuff in the beginning, but soon afterward, I'd like to tackle blueprints about projectile, sfx, GUI, and Menu UI, the fun stuff - So, the plan is we're going to cover the "Fracture" mode since it's how you blow stuff up, and then we'll probably start diving into Blueprints.

Again, thank you so much everyone for being patient, I really do appreciate it -
As always, hope you have a Fantastic Day, and I'll see ya around-!!





Dude, you are the absolute man. There are like ~10 truly cool dudes on the planet; you are one of them. Been following for years. <3


Hey man, thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it - I'll do my best to keep up the work, in the meanwhile, thanks again for being here on the Support Squad all this time, I'll see ya in the next video :)


Unreal Engine x Multiplayer. I'll be the first to admit, I've been working on my models and animations and texturing while "avoiding" this beast called multiplayer in Unreal Engine because of its sheer steep learning curve.


Oh Yeah - The dreaded multiplayer, I'll be honest. As, someone who's done games for a while, and understands that just making sure the Multiplayer is running smoothly is a full time job, I am more than likely just gonna hire a professional to do that, since I don't think it's a good use of my personal time lol - But, I will be delving into it at least a little so we know the "gist" of how it works here in Unreal - Thanks again for being such a long time supporter here on the Squad man, I'll see ya in the next vid :)